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在正午休会。The adjourn at midday.

邮轮中午达到停泊地。The liner berthed at midday.

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限制正午暴露于太阳的时间。Limit time in the midday sun.

为正午计划团体活动。Plan group activities for midday.

他喜欢中午吃一顿好饭。He likes to have a good meal at midday.

他从半夜学书不停到四点。He teaches from midday to four o'clock.

小西中午将乘船去大连。Xiaoxi will embark for dalian at midday.

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例如,德国的学校在中午关门。German schools, for instance, close at midday.

吉库伊正午带来了一大盘无花果和火腿。Jhiqui brought a platter of figs and ham at midday.

只有狗和英国人才在中午的太阳底下在外面乱跑。But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

兄弟几个总是要到正午前后才姗姗来到工作室。The brothers usually roll into their studio around midday.

照耀大英帝国的太阳已过晌午。The sun that shone on the British empire had passed midday.

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你必在午间摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样。At midday you will grope about like a blind man in the dark.

“试着避开正午阳光,此事紫外线是最强烈的,”她说。"Try to avoid that midday sun, which is most intense," she says.

主要服务于好周五发生之间中午和下午3点。The main service on Good Friday takes place between midday and 3pm.

这名骑在普莱瑟维尔地区中午午饭后。This ride finishes up in the Placerville region midday after lunch.

正午的空气炎热而混浊,散发出火炉烤鱼的味道。The midday air, hot and thick, smelled like baked fish from an oven.

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截至周四午间,沃利斯仍被拘押,此前他并未受到指控。He remained in custody as of midday Thursday and hadn't been charged.

一阵正午或午夜的风声,马西亚利托不知道它们的区别。A midday or midnight whistle. Marcialito does not know the difference.

正午时分,他在沙洲上等待着从大海归来的渔民。At midday he waits on the sandbar for fishermen to return from the sea.