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她看起来像是一个异常聪明的姑娘。She seems an unusually clever girl.

这是一份措辞极其尖锐的报告。It's an unusually sharply-worded report.

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那个——他是非同一般的大孩子。It's--he's an unusually large-size child.

流行性感冒来得异常凶猛。The grippe hit unusually severely that year.

而瀑布也似乎分外的。向了。The waterfall seemed unusually clamorous too.

奇热的天气影响了他的健康。The unusually hot weather affected his health.

不同寻常的是,图片中的月亮是在白天展示出月海的。Unusually the Moon is shown here during the day.

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关宝英最初的工作开展得异常艰难。Guan Baoying the initial work is unusually difficult.

她认为他对女人毫无招架之力。He was, she believes, unusually susceptible to women.

今天你上班可真早,有什么事吗?。You came unusually early this morning. What happened?

以德国的标准衡量,阿克曼的薪水奇高。Ackermann's pay is unusually high by German standards.

她有着音质特别好的女高音歌喉。She possesses a soprano voice of unusually fine quality.

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达喀尔由于异乎寻常的滂沱大雨受影响最严重。Dakar is most affected, due to the unusually heavy rains.

铅的比热要低,只有0。03,这很低很低了。Lead is unusually low it's only .03. It's very, very low.

巨型远洋舰,巨轮同类中异常巨大的东西,尤指巨型轮船。Something unusually large of its kind, especially a ship.

有时候杰福瑞的态度似乎出奇地冷淡。L. B. Jeffries seems like an unusually cold fish at times.

以德国的标准衡量,阿克曼的薪水奇高。Mr. Ackermann's pay is unusually high by German standards.

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夏季气候异常好,番茄产量高,造成买方市常。An unusually good summer created a buyer's market in tomatoes.

夏季气候特别好,形成了番茄的买方市场。An unusually good summer created a buyer's market in tomatoes.

今天,持续驾车16小时,车上的一对儿女吵到我烦。Today, on a 16 hour car ride my kids were being unusually rowdy.