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为什么不用网络会议代替电话会议呢?还是免费的。Why don't we use Netmeeting instead of teleconference? It's free.

我们为什么不用网络会议代替电话会议呢?还是免费的。Why don't we use Netmeeting instead of teleconference ? It's free.

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我们为什么不用网络会议来代替电话会议呢?。A. Why don't we use Netmeeting instead of teleconference? It is free.

针对网络会议系统的认证阶段提出了一个密钥交换的解决方案。Base on the Netmeeting System, this article proposes a Key-Exchange solution using geometric properties of lines.

文本调度信息通过短消息的方式下发到车载终端并显示在液晶显示屏上或手柄上。And the txt dispatch information is sent to the car terminal and displayed on the LCD screen or the netmeeting handle.

文中从视频会议系统的基本概念出发,介绍了视频会议系统的基本结构和一些关键技术。Beginning with the basic concept of Video NetMeeting system, introduces its basic structure and some major technologies.

我有些幻灯片要给大家看,让我告诉你们我的IP地址,这样大家都可以通过NetMeeting看到这些幻灯。I've got some slides I'd like to share so let me give you my IP address so we can all see them over NetMeeting. 32.42...

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视频会议系统解决了以上的问题,免去会议开支,缩短了解决问题的周期,不受客观因素的影响。As a result of that, the Video NetMeeting System is created to save money and time because of meetings and helps reducing the influence of objective factors.

本文主要介绍了现有的网络环境下.不增加任何硬件设备和专用软件,实现网络会议功能的一种方法。The purpose of this paper is to introduce the new method of the netmeeting on the basis geheral net environment. The method didn't add any hardware and software.

基于网络的各种信息服务层出不穷,例如远程教育和培训、远程会诊、网络商城、网络会议系统等。The diversified information services based on network occur endlessly , such as the remote education and training , the remote consultation , the shopping by network , netmeeting and so on.

最后,虽然NetMeeting是个很棒的工具,但是它会有容量上的问题,因为它使用你本地的电脑来将所有的信息发送给其他与会者。Finally, while NetMeeting is a great tool it is subject to capacity problems since it is utilizing your local desktop machine to do all the relaying of information to the other participants.

虽然,国外的ICQ和国内的QQ等聊天软件已经风行起来,并且拥有QQ秀、形象、各种增值服务等功能,但是因为太花哨,Netmeeting依然占有一席之位。Although foreign and domestic ICQ chat software such as QQ up has been popular and have QQ show, the image of a variety of value-added services, but too fancy, Netmeeting still occupy a position.