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近日点方向使每个轨道改变了多少?How much does the direction of perihelion change each orbit?

如果大写M是太阳,就叫“远日点“和“近日点If capital M were the Sun, we would call that "aphelion" and "perihelion."

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这意味着地球在靠近冬至点附近的冬季运行得较快。This means that the Earth moves faster along the orbit in winter near perihelion.

近点年是地球连续两次通过近日点之间的时间。The anomalistic year is the time between successive transits of the Earth through the perihelion.

在所有与古巴有关的故事中,有一个人令我无法忘怀,他就像近日点的火星一样耀眼。In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion.

我们很难用肉眼看出近日点和远日点太阳视直径的变化,但在这张图上显而易见。Otherwise difficult to notice, the change in the Sun's apparent diameter between Perihelion and Aphelion is clear.

哈雷彗星的平均运行周期是76.01年,过近日点日期上一次发生在1986年,下一次将出现在2061年。Halley's Comet with average run cycle 76.01 years passed through perihelion last time in 1986, the next will appear in 2061.

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当地球从远日点运动到近日点时,地球辐射带向内收缩。W hen the Earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, its radiation belts are expansion, and aphelion to perihelion contraction.

例如一八八二年出现的大彗星几乎擦过太阳,因为它的近日点距离太阳表面仅仅大约廿九万哩。The great comet of 1882, for example, almost grazed the sun, being only about 290,000 miles away from the sun's surface at perihelion.

所以,水星近日点的移动还不能看作是证实爱氏的理论,虽然它建议他的理论很可能在正确的轨道上。So, the perihelion cannot be considered as a verification of Einstein's theory although it does suggest that his theory would be in the right direction.

目前人们看到宝瓶座流星雨划破夜空的异彩,就是哈雷彗星以往过近日点时喷洒出来的尘埃冰粒。The splendor of Aquarius meteor shower currently seen across the night sky is the ice particle dust sprayed out by Halley's Comet during last perihelion pass.

但是,1月11日当彗星通过水星轨道内部接近其近日点时,太阳观测卫星SOHO将通过网络送回拍摄到该过程的影像。Still, by January 11 sun-staring spacecraft SOHO should be able to offer web-based views as the comet heads toward a perihelion passage inside the orbit of Mercury.

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现在,有一定概率的Elenin彗星大约在八月中旬会变成一个很明显的双筒望远镜观测目标,并在近日点附近的几星期达到肉眼可见的程度。Right now, odds are that Comet Elenin will become an easy target for binoculars around mid-August and reach naked-eye visibility for a couple of weeks around perihelion.

用史瓦西度规详尽地推导了太阳引力场,用广义相对论解释了水星近日点的进动。This paper derives in detail the gravitational field of the sun by using the Schwarzschild metric, and expounds the advance of the Mercury's perihelion with the general theory of relativity.