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他说,没有它的第二次书信。He says nothing of it in the Second Epistle.

他说,没有它在第二次书信。He says nothing of it in the Second Epistle.

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彼得写这封书信时,心里很清楚。Peter knows, whileheis writing this Epistle.

保罗以首尾呼应的方式,来结束这封书信。Paul finished this epistle right where he began.

这一关系的书信,并到歌罗西书。Relation between this epistle and that to the Colossians.

你们就是我们的荐信,写在我们心里,被众人所知道所念诵的。Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men

这一章是哥林多前书的一个重要十字路口。This chapter is a major crossroad in the epistle to the Corinthians.

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然而,这正是我们应该期望在一书信的圣保禄。That, however, is precisely what we should expect in an Epistle of St.

该书信向加拉太书是一本书籍的新约圣经。The Epistle to the Galatians is one of the books of the New Testament.

彼得在彼得后书一章16至18节,便提及他曾亲眼见过主的荣光。Peter spoke of it like that in his second epistle in chapter 1, verses 16-18.

之间的关系,书信的以弗所和彼得更接近。The relationship between the Epistle to the Ephesians and I Peter is much closer.

有是一个了不起的相似性,这之间的书信和向以弗所书。There is a remarkable resemblance between this epistle and that to the Ephesians.

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奇怪的是,阅读希伯来书时,你会发现2点。What's odd about it is that as you read this Epistle to the Hebrews,you realize two things.

的影响,产生的科林斯教会本书信,我们并没有明确的信息。Of the effects produced on the Corinthian church by this epistle we have no definite information.

如果我们心里有这样一个问题的话,我们就会在今天的福音书和保罗书信的经文中得到启发。If we keep this question in mind, we will find the inspiration from today's gospel and epistle readings.

马兵来到凯撒利亚,把文书呈给巡抚,便叫保罗站在他面前。Who, when they came to Caesarea, and delivered the epistle to the governor, presented Paul also before him.

这奇特的书信是在这方面,它是一个系统地阐述了福音普遍适用。This epistle is peculiar in this, that it is a systematic exposition of the gospel of universal application.

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那里面有一封致德莫福夫人的简短的正式书信,但信本身却很有内容,全是体己话。It enclosed a short, formal missive to Madame DE Mauves, but the epistle itself was copious and confiDEntial.

这封书信讲到了至尊的,最大的原则,这样的原则超越了种族和国籍。The epistle deals therefore with the sovereign and universal principles which transcend race and nationality.

然后是希伯来书,翻译得更好点的话,应该是,犹太人书。Then you get to The Epistle to the Hebrews, or,in what a better translation would be, The Letter to the Jews.