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鸡球虫病是一种感染鸡的传染性的、致死性的寄生虫病。Avian coccidiosis is an infectious and deadly parasitosis which infects chickens.

目的掌握山东省人体重要寄生虫病流行现状。Objective To understand the epidemic status of important human parasitosis in Shandong Province.

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目的总结临床寄生虫学选修课开设过程中的经验和存在的问题。Objective To summarize the experiences and problems in the optional course "Parasitology and Clinical Parasitosis".

弓形虫病是近代认识的寄生虫病。Toxoplasmosis is one kind of parasitosis recognized recently and the etiology and clinical knowledge should be improved.

而流行分布最广、危害最重的乃属绦虫类疾病中的包虫病,这是我省寄生虫病防治工作的重点。Hydatidosis, however, is the most hazardous parasitosis in Qinghai, so control practice is obliged to focus on this diseases.

寄生虫与宿主之间相互关系的诠释是理解寄生虫成功寄生及防控寄生虫病的关键。The relationship between parasite and its host is the key to understand the successful parasitism and control the parasitosis.

目的探讨湖南省农村改厕对控制肠道传染病和寄生虫感染效果。Objectives To evaluate the results of improvement of latrines on control of gastrointestinal infectious diseases and parasitosis.

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目的探讨湖南省农村改厕对控制肠道传染病和寄生虫感染的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of non-hazard treatment of feces on control of intestinal infectious diseases and parasitosis.

试验结果表明禽虫净片是驱治家鸽消化道蛔虫、毛细线虫的理想药物。The results showed that Avian antiscolic is ideal drug for curing digest tract parasitosis of domestic pigeon caused by ascaris and capillaria.

结论改厕后的粪便无害化对肠道传染病、感染性腹泻和寄生虫感染均有不同程度的防病效果。Conclusion Non-hazard treatment of feces will play an important role in preventing of intestinal infectious diseases, infectious diarrhea and parasitosis.

我们对黑龙江省地克病流行区397名小学生进行了寄生虫病调查。发现该区有十二种寄生虫病。Parasitosis was investigated in 397 schoolchildren in the involved area of endemic cretinism in this paper. 12 kinds of parasitosis were found in this asea.

结论改水、改厕、以机代牛综合措施能有效控制血吸虫病和肠道寄生虫病流行。Conclusion The comprehensive measures of safe treatment of night-soil and water supply, replacement of bovine with machine can control the prevalence of schistosomiasis and parasitosis effectively.