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欧文将格里夫斯纳为下一个目标。Owen has Greaves in his sights.

格里夫斯那时27岁,同现在的欧文一样。Greaves was 27 then, the same age as Owen is now.

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格里夫斯在他的57场国家队比赛中射入44球。Greaves notched 44 goals in his 57 internationals.

他穿戴著你的盔甲,你的盾牌,你的护腿套,你的头盔。He wore your armor your shield your greaves your helmet.

他穿戴着你的盔甲,你的盾牌你的护腿,你的头盔。He wore your armor , your shield , your greaves , your helmet.

格里弗斯在巴内特攻入25球的那个赛季,也给他留下了美好的回忆。Jimmy Greaves has wonderful memories of the season he top-scored for Barnet with 25 goals.

进球最多的是吉米·格里佛斯,他在15场比赛中攻入16个进球。其中包括了在对卢森堡和苏格兰的两个帽子戏法。Top scorer Jimmy Greaves hit his 16 goals in 15 games. That included hat-tricks against Luxembourg and Scotland.

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以拉歇夫斯基为例,他研究的文明发展问题是一个多因素的现实问题。Elah jehiel greaves base as an example, he studied civilization development is more than a factor of realistic problem.

在整个俱乐部历史上他们二人现在与安德雷·弗勒以15球并列第二,仅落后纪录保持者杰米格里夫斯一球。The pair stand with Tore André Flo one goal behind our record international goalscorer Jimmy Greaves . They have 15, Greaves got 16.

以上种种都证实了假摔文化由来已久,格里夫斯和佐拉也许会很果断的反对假摔,斯坦也不会去支持。What all this goes to prove is that the diving culture is not a simple one. Greaves and Zola would be the most vociferous against it.

在个人首个赛季中已经休战六场的格里夫斯在圣诞节重新回到场上迎战朴茨茅斯,他攻入四球助球队以7-4获胜。Greaves , having been rested for six games of his first season, returning against Portsmouth on Christmas Day and scoring four in a 7-4 win.

格里夫斯在切尔西时为国家队打入16球的切尔西球员在国家队进球纪录。That total makes the striker Chelsea's all-time international top scorer, moving clear of the 16 scored by England's Jimmy Greaves when he was at the club.

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自从加入切尔西后,古德扬森在国际性大赛上进了15个球,俱乐部中仅低于英国有名前锋吉米·格里夫斯的16球,挪威前锋弗洛也进了15球。It was Gudjohnsen's 15th international goal since joining Chelsea. Only Jimmy Greaves with 16 has scored more while with the club. Tore André Flo also scored 15.

在首场比赛1-2不敌匈牙利后,英格兰成功反弹,凭借罗恩-弗拉沃斯、查尔顿和吉米-格里维斯的进球,英格兰3-1击败了阿根廷。England recovered well from a 2-1 defeat against Hungary in the opening game as goals from Ron Flowers, Charlton and Jimmy Greaves sealed a 3-1 victory against Argentina.

贾德,在整个佛罗里达州被称为十字军打击儿童掠食者,他说他被激怒时,他听说了这本书,没有一人被捕卖给油渣。Judd, known throughout Florida as a crusader against child predators, said he was incensed when he heard about the book and that no one had arrested Greaves for selling it.

葛瑞弗设计这样的盒子,他嘴上不说,但目的很清楚,就是要迎合一种蜜糖文化。这种风气,让大家以为每个人都很独特,不管表现如何,都可以不受批评。Greaves won't say what his motive is for the box, other than that it's in response to a saccharine culture in which everyone is special and nobody is criticized, regardless of performance.

如果检察官可以收取运费他的书护胫,他们会问,什么会阻止面临销售弗拉基米尔纳博科夫的“洛丽塔”是一部有关一个恋童癖小说起诉书店?If prosecutors can charge Greaves for shipping his book, they ask, what would prevent booksellers from facing prosecution for selling Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita, " a novel about a pedophile?