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不过这位国军大官表面上没有表示出什么神态。But the nations aga surface not said whats expression.

屋面的卷材防水以上覆盖了150mm厚的阿嘎土。A 150mm thick layer of Aga clay covers the waterproof membrane.

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早课上完,阿加觉着头发烫,胃作酸,那是绝对吃不下饭的征兆。Soon after, the Aga 's hair, gastric acid, it is absolutely not eat rice.

该算法是基于遗传算法的一种仿生优化算法。AGA is a kind of bionic optimization algorithm based on Genetic Algorithm.

而阿嘉跟友子的恋情,是否能够继续发展下去?The Friends of the son of the Aga with love, whether or not to continue to develop?

建于1897年,AGA是美国医学专业历史最悠久的的单位之一。Founded in 1897, the AGA is one of the oldest medical-specialty societies in the United States.

将该算法应用于计算池的任务调度取得了较好的效果。Good performance is achieved by using AGA in the scheduling of tasks in the grid computing pool.

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阿嘉终于决定打起精神,重整乐团,他们的音乐梦是否能够实现?Aga finally decided to pull ourselves to re-engineer the orchestra, their music is a dream to achieve?

另一个小节,由主管阿加汗,有信徒,在巴基斯坦,印度,伊朗,也门,非洲和东部非洲。Another subsect, headed by the Aga Khan , has followers in Pakistan, India, Iran, Yemen, and East Africa.

正文由阿嘎土语短元音分析、阿嘎土语长元音分析、阿嘎土语复合元音分析三部分组成。And main body consists of Aga vernacular short vowels, Aga vernacular long vowels, Aga vernacular diphthongs.

采用AGA—782热像仪实际测定钢激光热处理表面温度场。The actual surface temperature field during laser heat treatment has been measured by thermovision type AGA 782.

此外,动物生产及卫生司在畜牧生产和部门发展的各个领域中保持专业知识网络。Furthermore, AGA maintains networks of expertise in various domains of livestock production and sector development.

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一份由世界卫生组织专家众多,阿迦汗大学及其他团体编撰的报告。A multitude of experts from the World Health Organization, Aga Khan University and other groups compiled the report.

为了获得有效的属性最小相对约简,提出了一种基于自适应遗传算法的粗糙集知识约简算法。In order to get the reduction of attribute, the paper proposes a rough set attribute reduction algorithm based on AGA.

智成冠在20多岁时,曾有过两段恋爱史,但每次都很不幸的被对方“甩”。从此他不想再和别人约会,更别提结婚了。Zhi, who dated seriously twice in his 20s but was sadly dumped each time, has no plans to date aga let alone get married.

在系所内还有其它学习的机会,包括了针对伊斯兰建筑的阿加汗计划。Other opportunities for study within the department are also aailable through the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture.

阿加只是慌忙点头,仿佛偶尔犯错误的好学生,怀着百分之二百的感激溜出了校长的办公室。The AGA is nodded hurriedly, as though occasional mistake a good student, with two hundred percent out of the principal's office.

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阿加陪着笑,嘴咧了几咧,唏嘘着难以出声,脸上痛苦的表情像被揉的发皱的红柿叶。The Aga with smile, grin. " Few, difficult to make a sound, face expression of pain by kneading a wrinkled red persimmon leaves."

并使用国际上普遍采用的AGA指数判定法和德尔布法对液化石油气混空气与城市天然气的置换问题进行了深入的研究。At the same time , This paper carries on deep researches by applying AGA index and Delbuer law that are used in the world generally.

他相信,如果他在苏格兰赢得勇敢的天主教徒的同情,那么信奉天主教的法国人便会帮助他在英格兰对抗汉诺威王朝的君主。He believed that if he won brave Catholic hearts in Scotland, then the Catholic French would assist him in England aga in st the hanoverian throne.