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刷漆之前先撒些锯末。Strew sawdust before painting.

淋上蜂蜜,撒上白芝麻即可。Pour honey and strew white sesame.

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别这样,我说过了我的头发散乱了。Stop it, I told you my hair was in a strew.

宛如魔方星星点点散布在河床In shapes like bits of puzzle strew the bottom

起来,否则我就把你的脑浆洒在这草地上。Get up, or I'll strew your brains upon the grass.

各种各样的贝壳点缀著狭长的海滩。Shells of all shapes and sizes strew the long narrow beach.

他们以小巧的金属杯子盛酒,并在上头撒上玫瑰花瓣。They serve it in little metal cups and strew rose leaves upon it.

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你的触摸玷污了它,你撕碎它的花瓣,把它们撒在尘土里。Your touch soils it, you tear its petals to piece and strew them in the dust.

你们的触碰弄污了它,你将花瓣撕碎,丢弃在尘土中。Your touch soils it, you tear its petals to pieces and strew them in the dust.

当暴风雨把我的花瓣和香气撕碎的时候,我要让他们洒满这里。I will scent his grave and strew my petals over it when the storms tear them off.

月亮的泪水化为了星星,散落在寂秋的夜里。The tears of the moon turn to the stars and strew in the silent autumn night sky.

铃木不情愿地照办了,她们两人把花撒遍整个房间。Reluctantly Suzuki obeys and, with her mistress, proceeds to strew the blossoms all over the room.

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最后,根据轨道衰减的影响,它开始播在地球表面的遗体。Eventually, under the influence of orbital decay, it began to strew its remains across the Earth's surface.

陶瓷饰品作为现代饰品的一个新品种,对人们的生活起到美化、装饰、点缀作用。As a new species of modern accessories, porcelain accessories function to beautify, decorate and strew people's life.

预热焗炉至200℃,将鸡翼排放在已涂油的焗盘上,洒上芝士茸,焗约10分钟至金黄即可。Preheat oven to 200℃. Arrange chicken wings onto a greased baking tray. Strew minced cheese on the top and bake for 10 minutes until golden, serve.