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这就是为什么我把这看作一种得不偿失。This is why I say this is a Pyrrhic victory.

他们为自己得不偿失的胜利而兴奋。They get excited about their Pyrrhic victory.

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对于巴西尔登地方议会来说,这个胜利得不偿失。This is a Pyrrhic victory for Basildon council.

然而,现行提议可能代价惨重。The current proposal could prove pyrrhic victory, however.

而其实人是不可琢磨的,琢磨人是最得不偿失的。But man is not over, consider people are most pyrrhic victory.

奥巴马签署了医保改革法案,但许多人认为它的代价太高了。Barack Obama signs health care bill amid warnings of Pyrrhic victory.

这些代价高昂战争取得了胜利,但一挨硝烟散去,美国的麻烦就接踵而至。But the smoke of those Pyrrhic triumphs cleared to reveal America in trouble.

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如果我们把信用做为衰退后面的魔鬼而消灭,这样的胜利代价则过于惨重了。If we vanquish credit as the villain behind our downturn, the victory may be Pyrrhic.

我们赢得公开赛是一场损失惨重的胜利,因为我们主要的得分队受了重伤。Our winning the opening game was a Pyrrhic victory, as our leading scorer was seriously injured.

她赢了这场官司,但这是一个付出极大代价才得到的胜利,因为她得付许多法律费用。She won the court case but it was a pyrrhic victory because she had to pay so much in legal fees.

在任何协商中单方面的全赢是错误的,因为那几乎是付出极大代价而得到的胜利。A total win for one side in any negotiation is just wrong because it's almost always a pyrrhic victory.

在这场激烈的战斗中,这支军队成功地夺回了那座山头,但这场胜利只能说是一场付出过大代价的战斗。In heave fighting the troops managed to recapture the hill, but it could only be considered a Pyrrhic victory.

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但是,作为记者付出了极大代价,得到这样的独家新闻,我却没有感到丝毫的喜悦。But it was all too little to make me feel really good about my reporter's Pyrrhic victory of scoring a rare exclusive.

但是,作为记者付出了极大代价,得到这样的独家新闻,我却没有感到丝毫的喜悦。But, it was all too little to make me feel really good about my reporter’s Pyrrhic victory of scoring a rare exclusive.

其次,在不断激发报复心理的政策之下,西方要取得人民币的胜利只得付出巨大的代价,因为西方企业有可能面临中方权威暗中操作的更多的贸易保护政策。Second, with these policies growing with a vengeance, any Western victory on the renminbi would be pyrrhic as Western firms could be subject to greater murky protectionism by the Chinese authorities.