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掌权者容易腐化堕落。Power tends to corrupt.

你将会损坏数据。You'll corrupt your data.

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在中国,腐败分子会被处死。In China, corrupt people are hanged.

在你所知道的人中,有没有腐化堕落的?Do you know of people who are corrupt ?

贪官站在被告席上。The corrupt official stood in the dock.

别让他污了你的纯情。Don't let him corrupt your innocent mind.

他们公开谴责该组织腐败。They posted this organization as corrupt.

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一个烂苹果可以使许多好苹果烂掉。One corrupt apple corrupts many sound ones.

改革有伤风化的教会。To reform the corrupt morals of the church.

宁残体肤,不坠心性!Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind!

固定腐败旗帜蒙古人启动单位。Fixed corrupt banners for Mongol strat units.

他设法用金钱向警察行贿。He tried to corrupt the policeman with money.

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至于易欺,那是比受贿还坏的。To gain influence over or corrupt by bribery.

打倒贪官污吏新买办!Overthrows the corrupt officials new comprador!

他们与贪官污吏狼狈为奸。They acted in collusion with corrupt officials.

必须坚决清理这些贪官污吏!Should firmly eliminate these corrupt officials!

这些钱都进了贪官污吏的腰包。The money was all pocketed by corrupt officials.

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它的确很棒,但是它有时候也很腐败。You know, it's good. But it's corrupt sometimes.

我会难过,但是不会自甘堕落。I will be sad, but it will not remain to corrupt.

fMRI数据很容易被破坏,”Vul说。It is very easy to corrupt fMRI data, " Vul said.