Use 'sufism' in a sentence
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苏菲反对激进主义并且帮助提升伊斯兰。Sufism is opposed to radicalism and helps to promote Islam.
苏菲是神秘的并遵循着伊斯兰的重要的启示精神。Sufism is mystical and follows the central current of the Revelation of Islam.
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苏菲派是伊斯兰教内部的一支神秘教派,强调以个人的主观直觉和内心体验来感受真主。Sufism is a mysteristic branch of Islam with its emphasis on intuition and innermost experience on Allach.
欢迎来到苏菲的世界。在这里,你的眼睛,你的心将会有一个得到充分的享受与放松的机会。Welcome to the world of sufism. Here, your eyes, your heart will have a fully enjoy with the chance to relax.
中亚“苏非主义”不仅具有伊斯兰教本身的特点,而且具有浓厚的地方特色。Central Asian Sufism is not only characterized by the features of Islam itself, but also by those of strong regional colour.
最后,驳斥了苏枕的“苏菲主义推崇众人皆信教,它完全排斥理性、否定国家形式”的说法。It has refuted completely rationality and the existence of a country. The Sufism that Lessing follows is Sufism in the Western world.
通过他的个人经验的丰富性和建设性的力量,他的智慧,他作出了什叶派苏菲主义的独特贡献。Through the richness of his personal experience and the constructive power of his intellect, he made a unique contribution to Shi'ite Sufism.
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他是唯一配备不仅收回西方伊朗苏菲主义,而且也捍卫主要西方传统的深奥灵性。He was uniquely equipped not only to recover Iranian Sufism for the West, but also to defend the principal Western traditions of esoteric spirituality.
苏菲主义在伊斯兰信仰的核心先知穆罕默德死后崛起为一个有组织的运动。很多人把它看作是伊斯兰的神秘形式。Sufism arose as an organized movement after the death of Muhammad, the central prophet of the Islamic faith. Many consider it a mystical form of Islam.
对逊尼派伊斯兰教的巴基斯坦的非普什图族人口的主要形式是Barelvi运动,可容纳各种仪式和苏菲主义的做法很多。The dominant form of Sunni Islam among Pakistan's non-Pashtun population is the Barelvi movement, which accommodates many of the rites and practices of Sufism.
历史上苏菲主义与什叶派思想的彼此结合,以及前者从什叶派主流思想中被剥离出去,是谢赫学派产生的思想根源之一。One of the ideological origins of Sheikh School was the integration of the Shiite ideas and Sufism in history, and later Sufism was stripped out from the mainstream Shiite thought.
伊斯兰细密画受其影响形成了独特的时空观、色彩观,而文学方面受其影响则产生了以鲁米为代表的苏菲派诗歌。Under Sufism influence, islam miniature has had its unique concepts about space-time and color, and in literature sufism poetry has come into being whose representative is Romi, a famous islam poem.