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他们经常逍遥自在地四处游览,特别是在夏天。They jaunt about quite a lot,especially during the summer.

这是他们第一次做长途旅游,孩子们还没出世。The picture was taken on their first jaunt before their children were born.

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巴拉克•奥巴马作为总统首次到国外做长途旅行之后,美国人分成了两派。AFTER Barack Obama’s first long jaunt abroad as president, Americans are in two minds.

哪一个星期天到海滨或山上去游览的人不同情那些辛辛苦苦的个体经营者呢?Who, on a sunday jaunt to the shore or mountains, has not pitied some self-employed drudge ?

上任的第一年,库什内就接待利比亚领导人穆阿玛尔·卡扎菲对巴黎为期五天的访问。In his first year Mr Kouchner had to swallow a five-day jaunt to Paris by Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi.

我们网站为外国人提供中国安徽自助或徒步旅游全程服务。Our website provides full service for foreign self-help and jaunt tourists in Anhui Province, China.

金正日上次访问俄罗斯时在远东停留了四天,访问几乎没有对外公开。Mr. Kim's last foray into Russia was a four-day jaunt in Russia's Far East that was little publicized.

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他们知道在跑步机上跑步的计划若是有一点点的创意就会和在户外跑步一样令人满足。They know that with a little creativity a treadmill workout can be just as satisfying as an outdoor jaunt.

2006年9月,在葛林芝塞布拉公园捕捉到一对亚洲貘在夜间活动的情景。A pair of Asian tapirs are caught during a nighttime jaunt in Kerinci Seblat National Park in September 2006.

安徽农民陶相礼试水自制的潜艇但要找到机器人、潜艇、直升飞机或飞碟则要深入中国的农村。But it takes a jaunt deep into China's countryside to find robots, submarines, helicopters and flying saucers.

在“华盛顿号”核动力航母访问越南之前,曾参加了美国与韩国军方进行的联合军事演习。Before her jaunt to Vietnam, the George Washington had been taking part in joint exercises with South Korean forces.

他还穿着一件剪裁合身的灰外套,能盖到膝盖,所以希望他在路上不会太冷吧。He also wore a perfectly tailored grey coat that came down to his knees, so hopefully he wasn't too cold on his jaunt.

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副队长非常渴望这个赛季能够遨游一次温布利,他要确保这个多灾多难的赛季能够尚存捧杯的希望。The vice-captain is desperate to make the jaunt this season and ensure a difficult campaign ends with a silver lining.

可能吉利的主席李书福在下一次去瑞典前应该到北京拜访一下柳传志。Perhaps Geely's chairman, Li Shufu, should stop by Liu Chuanzhi's office in Beijing before his next jaunt out to Sweden.

这次巴士巡游的行程有1000英里,经过新泽西州、宾夕法尼亚州、西弗吉尼亚州、俄亥俄州、肯塔基州、印第安纳州和伊利诺伊州。The trip was a 1, 000-mile jaunt through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois.

深夜时分在市区走一走,就可能听到欧洲高科技舞曲和本土孔比亚和巴杰那多音乐的节奏。On a late-night jaunt through downtown, one is as likely to hear European techno as the native rhythms of cumbia or vallenato music.

抑或预备在伦敦与好友共度周末、在巴黎享受浪漫之旅,或与一家大小在上海共聚天伦?Spending a weekend with friends in London?Going on a romantic jaunt in Paris?Or stopping off in Shanghai with the family this summer?

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但是,你还得明确你的孩子具备一定的注意广度,同时能禁得起买东西这一路的疲劳颠簸。But, again, you need to make certain that you child has both the attention span and the ability to make his or her way a shopping jaunt with you.

在企业演示结束后,记者们两两一组,从路边停放的20辆车中挑选一辆,开始穿越哈德逊河谷的一日游。After a presentation, they paired up, picked one of the 20 cars parked curbside, and drove away for an all-day jaunt through the Hudson River Valley.

为了庆祝威廉姆*莫纳汗的导演处女作“伦敦大道”的发布,我们来回顾凯拉*奈特莉的成名史。To celebrate the the release of William Monahan's directorial debut London Boulevard, we're taking a jaunt through the back catalogue of Keira Knightley.