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这是一种心理障碍,一种恐惧症。It’s a mental block.

我是个脑力劳动者。I am a mental worker.

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而是心理界限。It was a mental barrier.

或失去精神力量。Or losing mental powers.

表扬是一种精神鼓励。Praise is a mental tonic.

精神疾病是常见病。Mental disorders are common.

我们都活在两个精神世界中。We all live two mental lives.

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我不想成为一个游手好闲的人。I will not be a mental loafer.

我不会做一个精神上的流浪汉。I will not be a mental loafer.

我们给大脑来了一个春季大扫除。We do a mental spring-cleaning.

女性精神健康问题告急Mental health of women in crisis

创造积极的愿景。Create a positive mental picutre.

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他摆脱不了精神负担。He wasn't rid of the mental burden.

但是更多的例子思维迟钝。But far more common is mental slowness.

精神养生保健颐养精神。Mental health care home for the spirit.

锲而不舍,金石可镂。Perseverance can carve mental and gold.

疯人院现在叫精神病医院。Asylums are now called mental hospitals.

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我仅专注自己的心智修练和疗愈自己。I do my own mental work and heal myself.

这些思考是有阶段性的。These mental thoughts are liminal phases.

喜欢学习和脑力挑战。Thrive on Learning and Mental Challenges.