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你对自己有一个漂亮的平房这块湖滨财产。You own a cottage on a nice piece of lakefront property.

秋菊在锡矿开端了琉琅女的生活。Tears in the tin beginning ryukyu lakefront of female life.

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中心地区,三座企业餐厅设置在湖滨地带。In the centre, three corporate restaurants are set on lakefront.

一个夏日的星期天,我在湖边的酒吧街散步。Of a summer on Sunday, I take a walk in the bar street of lakefront.

今夜星光格外灿烂,合肥这座美丽的滨湖新城和群星交相辉映。Hefei, a beautiful new lakefront city, is shining under the sky of bright night.

在芝加哥,湖畔地区和内陆街区之间的关系紧张。In Chicago, there is a tension between the lakefront and the neighborhoods inland.

她甚至邀请我晚上的时候去她在湖边的公寓逛一逛。She even let me stop by in the evening for a quick tour of her lakefront apartment.

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我们可以设想这是在湖边暑假期间数月活动的枢纽。We can envision this as a hub of activity during the summer months on the lakefront.

在美丽的洞庭湖畔,一项伟大的“绿色工程”正在实施。In lakefront of beautiful hole front courtyard, great " green project " carrying out.

接着,孙金龙一行来到位于滨湖新区的塘西河公园和金斗公园。Sun came to Tangxi He Park and Jindou Park located in New Lakefront District later on.

无锡人的安逸生活,在蠡湖边搭帐篷和烧烤。The comfortable life of Wuxian, camping and barbecue in the bank of lakefront of Lihu.

为当时那项活动建立的一些公园和湖边空地今天也可用于主办奥运会。Some of the parks and lakefront spaces created for that event would also host the Olympics.

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把你自己当成你的潜力湖畔的房子寻找买主第一次。Think of yourself as the potential buyer looking at your lakefront house for the very first time.

位于皮尔逊湖社区的优雅湖畔庄园为你提供完全的私人空间。This gracious lakefront manor offers complete privacy in this sought after Pierson Lakes gated community.

中国云南荣盛实业有限公司位于具有“滇中碧玉”之称的抚仙湖畔。Yunnan China Rongsheng industrial limited company is located in the Fuxian lakefront which is called "Jasper in Dian".

他没有直接送我回家,而是将我带到一个荷香四溢的湖边。He did not send me to come home directly, take me a carry on one's shoulder however sweet the lakefront of 4 excessive.

这个城市的湖畔从好莱坞到彩虹湾附近的钢铁厂前城区范围内一直开放至今。To this day the city's lakefront is open from the former city limits at Hollywood down to the steel mills near Rainbow Beach.

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设计师经过全方位的仔细推敲,终于使这个小小的教堂在美丽的香蜜湖畔成为心灵回归的圣地。In the end, designers have the little church become a holy and spiritual place in beautiful Xiangmi Lakefront after thorough thought.

日积月累地盘据半岛上湖滨地带的蜘蛛丝散发出恶臭,可能是蜘蛛丝上昆虫遗体腐化所致。The gossamer strands, slowly overtaking a lakefront peninsula, emit a fetid odor, perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk.

拜伦和他的医生和随从租下了一个别墅,而雪莱,玛丽以及克莱尔则选择了湖边的一栋相对简陋的房子。Byron took agrandiose villa with his doctor and servants, while Shelley, Mary and Clairesettled into a more humble house by the lakefront.