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驾驶时须戴矫正视力的眼镜。To wear corrective lenses when driving.

驾驶时须戴眼镜或矫正视力的镜片。To wear glasses or corrective lenses when driving.

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保证对于不一致行为的有效控制。Ensure control of non- conformities and corrective actions.

跟踪校正管理措施的有效性。Tracking the effectiveness of corrective management actions.

供应商新格已将整改措施及证据回传给过来。Supplier Xinge has sent its corrective measures and proofs back.

纠偏行为是否到位并被相关人员所理解?Are corrective actions in place and understood by relevant staff?

对我们来说这隐含了自我实现和矫正手术的优点。For us it hinders self-realization and merits corrective surgery.

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矫正切骨术-肱骨,尺骨,桡骨,股骨,胫骨或腓骨。Corrective osteotomy of humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia or fibula.

参加不合格品的原因分析和纠正措施的制定。Making cause analysis for unaccepted products issuing corrective action.

引导试验建立出并证实这项矫正行动是有效的。Conduct the pi-lot build to verify the effectiveness of corrective action.

这些动词都表示作为改善法或警告的反对性批评。These verbs refer to adverse criticism intended as a corrective or caution.

控制-关注任务进程表现并在必要时采取正确的行动对其进行控制。Controlling-monitoring performance and taking corrective action as necessary.

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没有废话,也没有花言巧语,尤其是当那是个坏消息或纠正性反馈时。No BS, no sugarcoating, especially when it’s bad news or corrective feedback.

有必要对工厂进行追踪查访,以确保纠正措施的落实。Follow-up factory visits are necessary to ensure corrective actions are taken.

如果产量差异较大,必须马上凋查原因并修正。Large volume variances should be investigated for possible corrective actions.

一致同意的教正措施应及时的,以有效的方式完成。Agreed corrective actions should be completed in a timely and effective manner.

对不一致的项目采取校正措施是项目组合管理系统的一个关键的组件。Taking corrective actions on non-compliant projects is a key component of the PPMS.

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贵司是否有内部矫正预防措施来解决无刚果冲突矿物采购的问题?Do you have an Internal Corrective Action Process to fix any DRC Conflict Free Issues?

矫正措施是否成功解除遭到封锁的工作项目并解决问题?Has the corrective action successfully unblocked the work items and resolved the issue?

BSC故障维护手册介绍了如何进行BSC的维护。Purpose The BSC Corrective Maintenance Handbook describes how to perform BSC maintenance.