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今天,我年夜出一块磁铁。Today, I shat a magnet.

坚持你所相信的!Stand up for shat you believe in.

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我今天早上在地铁里差点儿拉到裤子上。I nearly shat my pants on the tube this morning.

直到她告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。I didn't know the truth until she told me shat happened.

贵公司的产品,正是我们所要找的。Your products are almost exactly shat we're looking for.

直到她告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。E. g. I didn't know the truth until she told me shat happened.

你应该带一张地图,这样你就可以随时知道你自己处于何方了。You should have a map in hand so shat you always know where you are.

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我想皇室没有厕所,他们只是脱了裤子往坑里拉屎。I guess they didn't have toilets. Just stuck their asses out and shat in the moat.

文明世界中最不幸、可怜、卑贱、可悲的垃圾。The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization.

请您告诉我,我应当怎样做才能从纽约把专款转账到我这里呢?Would you please tell me shat I should do to have funds transferred to me here from New York?

很多人衰弱到无法爬到她命令他们挖的沟渠那里,就在睡觉的地方排泄。Many shat where they slept now, too feeble to crawl to the ditches she'd commanded them to dig.

那要看你要游览多少景点了。你应该带一张地图,这样你就可以随时知道你自己处于何方了。That depends on how much you want to see. You should have a map in hand so shat you always know where you are.

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列如,一个受欢迎的饮料警告孕妇,哺乳期妇女和12岁以下儿童切勿饮用。For example, a popular energy shat shot warns against use by people who are pregnant, nursing a baby or under the age of 12.

本文研究在简谐激励力作用下二端面弹性转轴相对转动的主共振、超谐波共振和亚谐波共振。The principal, ultraharmonic and subharmonic resonance of an elastic rotation shat with twin sides by a harmonic force is discussed, in this paper.

最后将模型应用到瓯江河口的盐度输运模拟,计算的潮位、流速和盐度过程与原型吻合良好。At last, the model simulates the salt transport of the Oujiang estuary, and the results show shat the water levels, velocity and salt are agreement with the measured ones.

结果表明,电熔AZS回收料的引入,增大了基质的高温黏度,改善了制品高温显微结构,有利于制品热震性能的提高,并对高钙渣系具有良好的抗冲刷性能以及抗侵蚀性能。The performance index shows shat obsolute AZS materials can increase the thermal shock performance of the bricks, and have good erosion-resisting and erosion-flushing characteristics on h.