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对这些人来说,这个以人类为中心的类比,即比喻,帮助就大了。For these people, the anthropocentric analogies — the metaphors — help enormously.

保护是人类中心在某种意义上说,它在促进有关人类福祉。Conservation is anthropocentric in the sense that it is interested in promoting human well-being.

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在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。At the theoretical level, there is an intrinsic conflict between EJ and non- Anthropocentric environmentalism.

如我所说的,精灵宝钻的故事是特别的,在“以人类为中心”这一点上和就我所知的其他类似故事都不相同。As I say, the legendary Silmarillion is peculiar, and differs from all similar things that I know in not being anthropocentric.

他们忘记告诉我们高科技泡沫,然后是房地产泡沫,最后是经济衰退和气候暖化。They forgot to tell us about the tech bubble, followed by the housing bubble, followed by recession and anthropocentric global climate change.

有名的是,简思把正常的以人类为中心的视角,比作一口井的底部,人们相信,他指示出了整个世界的视野。Jhansi famously likens our normal anthropocentric perspective at the bottom of a well who believes that he commands a view of the entire world.

应该以市场化、人本化、交流的程序化去进一步完善人才中介机构。Finally, he suggests that we continue to improve intermediate agencies for talented people by means of marketization, anthropocentric service and standardization.

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在,已经出现人本经济发展观逐步取代物本经济发展观的基本趋势,同时人本经济发展观自身也应不断完善。Nowadays, anthropocentric economic development view is gradually replacing, materialcentric economic development view , while it keeps continuing to improve itself.

很惊讶这些“环境卫士”开始对人类所产生的二氧化碳着迷了,因为这是一个最容易被忽略的话题,但是却被证明是最厉害的杀手。Surprised this made it into the Guardian environmental obsessed as it is with anthropocentric CO2. Most neglected topic in the "Green" world but a proven mass killer.

对这种尖锐的以人类为中心而贬低动物的说法,可以在圣经和像奥古斯丁和托马斯阿奎那这样的基督教思想家著作中找到充分的依据。There is ample support in the Bible and in the writings of Christian thinkerslike Augustine and Thomas Aquinas for this pointedly anthropocentric way ofdevaluing animals.

马克思创立科学历史观、超越人本主义哲学视野之后,提出了一种不同于其早期异化理论的物象化理论。After his establishment of the scientific and anti anthropocentric concept of history, Marx proposed his reification theories different from his early viewpoint of alienation.

当代,以人为本的发展观越来越明显地改变着人们对事物的评价标准,亦越来越明显地影响着学校的德育工作。Nowadays, the anthropocentric outlook on development is distinctly changing people's evaluating standards towards things and is affecting the work of moral training at schools.

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从“白话景观”引入“方言景观”,景观将“重新发现大地”,重新为差异性、文化生态打开通道。"Accent landscape"is derived from"anthropocentric landscape"The concept of new landscape will unfold land usage, pacing forward in the path by regarding of distinguishedness, cultural ecology.

人类中心主义价值观认为只有人才具有内在价值,人是自然界唯一的主体,自然和其他生命形式没有内在价值,只有工具价值。The view of anthropocentric value thinks that human has intrinsic value, he is only subject of value, nature and other beings don't possess intrinsic value, they only possess instrumental value.