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我在这个作品中有所犹豫。I hesitate in this work.

你将不再犹豫。Youll never hesitate again.

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但是大名没有任何犹豫。Still, the Daimyo didn't hesitate.

我不太想把它称为人工智能,“他说。”"I hesitate to call it AI, " he says.

我会杀了他,当机立断。I would kill him, I wouldn't hesitate.

保存旧版本的时候不要犹豫。Don't hesitate to save your old versions.

我毫不迟疑地承认了。I did not hesitate to make the admission.

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时机成熟时,我们绝不能犹豫。When the time comes, we must not hesitate.

如果有人叫你出去玩,千万别犹豫!So if someone asks you out, never hesitate.

他不再对乌尔地区踌躇不前。He doesn’t hesitate to enter the ur anymore.

我对花那么多钱买衣服犹豫不决。I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.

林文犹豫了一下,仍然按兵不动。Just hesitate a little, still bide one's time.

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意者请寄履历表与作品集给我们。Any question, please don't hesitate to tell us.

不要迟疑,用你的指尖捏死他。Don't hesitate in killing him with your finger.

我点点头,我知道我不能再这样犹豫下去了。I nodded. I knew I could not hesitate any more.

缺乏进一步的信息,行市停下来。Market hesitate as further information lacking.

当然,萨科奇先生会毫不犹豫做更多事情。Certainly, Mr Sarkozy would not hesitate to do more.

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李父毫不犹豫支持并扶持。His father did not hesitate to support and help him.

还是这排,这次不要太犹豫了Okay, same row, but don't hesitate so much this time.

我做事积极﹐总是毫不犹豫地采取主动。I'm pro-active and I don't hesitate to take initiative.