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法庭颁布的不利条款也有可能扰乱市政公债市场。An adverse ruling from the court could roil the muni market.

泉水涌动着死海的水,形成一种幻影般的水流效果。The springs roil the waters they flow into in a phantasmal slipstream.

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但在海洋主权问题上,中国与领国仍有纠纷,暗潮四起。But sovereignty disputes between China and its neighbours still roil the waters.

结构为全钢焊接结构,经振动时效处理。The machine is made from all steel, vibration treated roil to reduce internal stress.

股市未受担忧情绪影响,亚洲股市上扬,令汇市陷入一片混乱。Stock markets shrugged off the worries and rose in Asia, leaving currency markets to roil.

政府官员担心,对花旗进行国有化的迹象会进一步动摇市场。The officials worried that appearing to nationalize the company would further roil markets.

你必须在你的情感洋溢,你的脾气发作,你的幽默感还存在的时候立即表达自己。You have to express yourself now, while your emotions roil , while your temper flares, while your humor lasts.

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欧债危机积重难返,继续扰动全球市场,因此,爱尔兰值得关注。Ireland is something to watch closely as Europe's long and slogging debt crisis continues to roil global markets.

但与中国不同,欧洲只在很小的一段时期内是统一的,分裂的局面有助于改变现状并推动政治改革。Unlike China, Europe was united only for brief periods, and the fragmentation helped to roil the status quo and drive political change.

但是在经融危机激烈的煽动下,国家的话题却悄然变成我们的毒品法不合理。But, beneath the furious roil of the economic crisis, a national conversation has quietly begun about the irrationality of our drug laws.

分析师称,如若无法进行偿还,则这可能撼动全球金融市场,并促使投资者再度寻求美元避险.Failure to make a repayment could roil global financial markets and prompt investors to seek shelter in the U.S. dollar once again, analysts said.

但与中国不同,欧洲只在很小的一段时期内是统一的,分裂的局面有助于改变现状并推动政治改革。Fukuyama notes. Unlike China, Europe was united only for brief periods, and the fragmentation helped to roil the status quo and drive political change.

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这不仅是一种娱乐,而且可以排解咱心一度都会对上司涌起的怒火、失望和怨气。This is not only fun but also exorcises the anger, frustration, and hurt feelings that roil within each of us against our boss at one point or another.

但联储人事任命超越政治与党派的现代传统,以及安抚金融市场保持其稳定的想法,或将为伯南克保驾护航.But the modern tradition of holding Fed appointments above partisan politics and a desire to not roil financial markets could help Bernanke secure a second term.

军事交流冻结带来的直接危险在于,整个中美关系将更易受到突发事件的不利影响,这类事件不时困扰着两国关系。With military exchanges on ice again, the immediate danger is that wider relations will become more vulnerable to the kind of flare-ups that periodically roil them.

美国财政部长盖特纳曾警告称,若美国国会未能如期提高举债上限,美国面临灾难性的违约,将冲击全球市场.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has warned the United States could face a catastrophic default that would roil global markets if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling by then.

在有风吹过的情况下,调查小组的数据表明,波浪的强大作用会迅速将塑料颗粒等类似的废物从海平面的位置卷进海面20米之下。But when winds roil the seas, the team’s data show, wave actioncould briefly send items that are barely buoyant, such as tiny bits ofplastic, down as much as 20 meters below the surface.

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议会通过撙节方案是希腊获得欧元区国家更多援助资金的前提.如果资金无法到位,可能造成希腊大规模债务违约,这可能扰乱市况.Passage is mandatory for the country to secure more bailout funds from euro zone governments. If more funds are not secured, Greece could default on its massive debt, which would roil markets.