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那丬店仅一步之遥。The store is just a footstep away.

思念所有的时间留下的脚步。Missing the footstep i have walked.

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雪地里有脚步声,是德伐日太太。A footstep in the snow. Madame Defarge.

谁第一个有月球上留下人类的足迹?Wo marked the first human footstep on the moon?

谁第一个在月球上留下人类的足迹?Who marked the first human footstep on the moon?

我侧耳倾听,没有脚声。I lended my ear to hear but there was no footstep.

她耳朵尖,听见了正在走近的脚步声。Her quick ears caught the sound of an approaching footstep.

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添加量滑块周围声音和脚步的声音。Added volume sliders for ambient sounds and footstep sounds.

诚信是道路,随着开拓者的脚步延伸。The trustworthiness is a road, along with expand the footstep extension.

天变凉了,心情也跟着好了,秋天的脚步来得很快。The day becomes cool, mood also follow like, the autumn footstep comes very quickly.

寻找方向就是我唯一的方向,不停的脚步就是我的归宿。Looking for direction is my one and only direction, ceaseless footstep is my end-result.

他走动的时候,就像鬼一样脚步没有任何一点声音,然后丢下一个字就走开。He moves without any sound of footstep like a ghost, then throws one word then moves away.

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分析结果表明,新型下轴承具有很好的动态性能,是高速锭子的一个发展方向。It shows that, the spindle with new footstep bearing has good dynamic behavior and performance.

不过,珠儿,这会儿我听到有脚步声沿着小路走来,—还有拨开树枝的声音。But now, Pearl, I hear a footstep along the path, and the noise of one putting aside the branches.

拥有一个华丽的梦想是不够的,只有你的每一个脚步来添砖加瓦,才能把它建起来!To have a splendid dream is not enough. It's your every single footstep as a brick that builds it up.

之所以我想成为大学老师,是因为我想要追随我妈妈的脚步。The reason why I want to become a teacher in a university is because I hope to follow my mum's footstep.

伴随2009年春天的脚步,云南腾冲传来喜讯,省内首个股份制建设的机场——腾冲机场2月16日正式通航!With the footstep of spring in 2009 a good news came that Tang Chon Airport was opened on February 16 2009.

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入冬后的降温脚步不停,小雨退场,北风又起。After entering a winter drop in temperature the footstep is ceaseless, spit exeunts, north wind rises again.

我能够听见外面,每一次大风的呼啸,每一次狗吠,每一次从人行道穿过街道的脚步声。I could hear every gust of wind outside, every dog barking, every footstep on the sidewalk across the street.

许愿树的存在就是为了帮别人实现愿望,可是它却没有留住你凌乱的脚步。The wishing tree is there to help others to achieve the aspirations, but it did not retain your messy footstep.