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下颚打浆机秸秆画上步行者。Pacers paint straw beater jaw.

另附共鸣箱及击槌。With acoustic resonance box and beater.

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用筷子代替打蛋器来搅拌鸡蛋。Stirring eggs with chopsticks instead of egg beater.

她很有天资,能成为天下无敌的选手。She has enough talent as a player to is a world beater.

用打蛋机殴打,直至震动是顺利和泡沫。Beatwithan egg beater untiltheshake is smooth and foamy.

Sucre不情愿地拿着搅蛋器开始钻洞。Sucre reluctantly takes the egg beater and begins to drill.

我们在车门的板金烤漆方面已有12年以上的经验。We specializes in the panel beater for car doors for over 12 years.

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打浆机包含普通打浆机筛网转子部件。The dispit beater contains the rotor parts of sieve-mesh of normal beater.

鼓手需要一个非常舒适的踩锤击打鼓皮的感觉。The drummer needs to be comfortable with the feel of the beater hitting the head.

递给了他一个搅蛋器,Michael快速地将它藏在了裤筒里。The inmate passes an egg beater to Michael, who quickly conceals it in his pant leg.

人们说他们将怀念亨利,但是范配西在季前赛上表现看来已经像一个世界级射手。People say they'll miss Henry but Van Persie has looked like a world beater in pre-season.

到目前为止,调整鎚头击打动作的唯一方法是拉紧踏板的弹簧。Until now, the only way to adjust your beater stroke action was to tighten the pedal spring.

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我是设计高手,我曾经在某某厂当过打板师傅,某个好卖…I am design ace, I once had become beater master worker in such-and-such factory, a certain good sell.

有些人发现使用老式的手持搅拌机或者搅拌器可以更容易的打发鸡蛋和奶油。Some find it quicker and easier to whip up eggs and cream with an old-fashioned, hand-held beater or a wire whisk.

其它的风力发电机也是同样的原理,只是涡轮出于垂直线上而叶片像巨大的鸡蛋搅拌器。Other turbines work the same way, but the turbine is on a vertical axis and the blades look like a giant egg beater.

一个标准的学院鸡装备是不紧不完整的瑜伽裤,也许是打老婆的,它们都是热。A standard college chick outfit is not complete without tight yoga pants and maybe a wife beater , which are both hot.

了解如何使用这个免费烹饪影片中使用台式搅拌机一台搅拌机的厨房电器的功能单位打浆机。Learn how to use the flat beater feature of a stand mixer kitchen appliance in this free cooking video on using a stand mixer.

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如果底鼓前面没有鼓皮,那么就把麦克固定在鼓腔内距踩锤击打位置1英尺的位置。If there's no front kick drum head, position the mic inside the bass drum about a foot back from the point where the beater hits.

渣浆自动分离,特别适用于芒果、桃等核果类水果的加工,去核打浆机包含普通打浆机筛网、转子部件。The pitting beater includes common beater sieve and rotor. Especially suitable for processing drupe such as mango, peach and others.

造纸时,在打浆机内混入含大量瓷土的填料,经砑光机打磨平滑而成。It is made by adding a large quantity of mineral loading such as china clay, to the pulp in the beater and made very smooth by calendering.