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这艘船将驶往哈瓦那。This ship will bear up to Havana.

在哈瓦那就没有纯粹的处女。There are no pretty virgins in Havana.

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我总能靠着哈瓦那的灯火回港的。I can always come in on the glow from Havana.

所以,他把“缅因”战船派去了哈瓦那。So, he sent the battleship "Maine" to Havana.

哈瓦那——想要些加辣椒的熏猪肉香肠吗?HAVANA — Want some paprika-infused chorizo sausage?

一辆50年代初的别克轿车正驶过哈瓦那的街道。An early 1950s Buick speeds through the Havana streets.

但是在哈瓦那会议上,这一争论在很大程度上未被承认。But in Havana the controversy was largely unrecognised.

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古巴首都哈瓦那的孩童在喷泉里纳凉。Children cool-off in a fountain in Havana October 7, 2006.

我到了老哈瓦那城后的第一天,就曾在街上见过他。I had met him on the street on my first day in Old Havana.

年,古巴革命志士马提于哈瓦那出生。In1853, Cuban revolutionary Jose Marti was born in Havana.

坐在一个街头卖艺的狗,2009年10月20日在哈瓦那。The dog of a street entertainer sits in Havana October 20 2009.

糖、酸橙汁、樱桃酒、冰,当然,还有哈瓦那俱乐部朗姆酒。Sugar, lime juice, cherry liquor, ice and, of course, Havana Club.

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2007年11月,一台老爷车停在邻近哈瓦那的维达多地区。A vintage car in the Vedado neighborhood of Havana in November 2007.

一辆50年代末的雪佛兰汽车驶过哈瓦那的海边。A late 1950s Chevy drives along the Havana coastline on Nov. 16, 2008.

1553年取代圣地亚哥成为古巴首都。In 1553 Havana became the capital of Cuba instead of Santiago de Cuba.

我们在马提尼克和哈瓦那,佩带着圣乔治十字勋章欢庆胜利。I carried the cross of St. George in triumph in Martinique and the Havana.

在哈瓦那大学,她遇到了Toan,这是一位来自于越南的年轻学生。It was at Havana University that she met Toan, a fellow student from Vietnam.

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崭新的出租车在哈瓦那城里那漆黑而又空荡荡的街道上一路畅行。The new taxicab zoomed smoothly through the dark and empty avenues of Havana.

哈瓦那街头,一台林肯车的零件被人拿走,只剩下了车壳。Scrounged for parts, the shell of a Lincoln is left to rust on the streets of Havana.

该组织的六名成员星期日参加了在哈瓦那的弥撒,为游行作准备。Six members of the group attended mass in Havana Sunday in preparation for the march.