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那意味着明确地定下细节。That means nailing down the details.

但是,敲定这次谈话花了斯科蒂六个月的准备时间。Butt nailing the talk took months of preparation.

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但是,敲定这次谈话花了斯科蒂六个月的准备时间。But nailing the talk took months of preparation. Ms.

LRDCIN的弯曲刚度较相同钉体直径GK钉高。The bending stiffness of LRDCIN is higher than GK nailing.

钉子钉入的角度可避免穿透鞋跟。The nailing angle can avoid the nail from going through the heel.

木匠一整天都辛苦地工作着,测量、锯木头、钉钉子。The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing and nailing.

股骨干股骨干骨折是髓内钉固定区域。Femoral diaphyseal fractures are the domain of intramedullary nailing.

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摄像机记录的斯特拉提的创作过程表明,他每天敲钉的时间长达12个小时。A video record of the feat showed him nailing away for up to 12 hours a day.

由一个使用条板二移动和钉牢的钢钉子对墙壁。Use the battens of two by one inches and steel nails for nailing to the wall.

这么说来,你也是雾影山上的修仙之人吗?!Say so come, are you also the person of nailing of fog shadow top of hill fairy?!

掌握了最热门的发带趋势,你就可以去炫耀你独特的配饰技巧啦。Flaunt your unique accessorizing skills by nailing down the hottest headband trends.

采用膝部单切口股骨逆行及胫骨顺行交锁髓内钉固定治疗。All patients were treated by interlocked intramedullary nailing through a single incision.

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不过要能区别红鲑和国王鲑,可能还要数年的分析研究。Nailing down the differences between sockeye and chinook salmon could take years, however.

近年来,土钉支护在软土场地得到了越来越广泛的应用。Soil nailing is more and more widely used in soft soil ground in our country in recent years.

四是要明确自行补充侦查的适用条件。The fourth proposal is nailing down the conditions of supplemental investigation voluntarily.

在梨状肌窝和大转子是可行的出发点,顺行穿钉治疗。The piriformis fossa and greater trochanter are viable starting points for antegrade nailing.

我考虑过往他头上敲根钉子,把他钉在屋后,这样那些蚂蚁也许不会如此肆无忌惮。I've thought of nailing his head to the shed out back, that way maybe the ants won't be so bad.

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追踪所有为调高美国举债上限而进行的谈判是一个非常困难的任务。Following the various negotiations on raising the US debt ceiling is like nailing jelly to a wall.

土钉、锚杆以及搅拌桩的支护参数对土钉支护有一定的影响。The retaining parameters of soil, anchor and stake have influences on the soil nailing structures.

我跪在松动的地板上,用橡皮锤把木板敲到适当的位置。I knelt on loose boards, tapping each plank into place with a rubber mallet and then nailing it home.