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罗德曼现在有什么好说的?What does Rodman have to say now?

罗德曼救下了凯撒并把他带回家。Rodman saves newborn Caesar and takes him home.

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罗德曼被关起来,我会拿0个犯人跟你交换。I will trade you 0 prisoners for one locked up Rodman.

罗德曼什么时候是普通人,理性行为的标杆了?Since when was Rodman a role model for normal, rational behavior?

罗德曼容易质疑队友在关键时刻的求胜意志。Rodman was also prone to question the will to win of his teammates-of-the-moment.

也许奥巴马应当让罗德曼成为国务卿。那样他在政府的聚会派对中穿着婚庆装会很好看的。Maybe Obama should make Rodman Sec of State. He'd look good in his wedding dress at Govt parties.

让我们看看这出闹剧如何展开。如果罗德曼真的让裴俊浩释放了,克里和奥巴马会雇佣他的。lol。Let's see how THIS one unfolds. If Rodman does get Bae released, Kerry and Obama will call to hire him. LOL.

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卡门·伊莱克特拉和篮球明星丹尼斯·罗德曼那场儿戏婚姻始于拉斯维加斯,也终于拉斯维加斯。What happened in Vegas almost stayed in Vegas forCarmen Electra and eccentric basketball star Dennis Rodman.

我感到很震惊罗德曼会说金正恩是伟大的领导人,古拉格集中营在他的领导下扩大。I am appalled Rodman would say Kim Jong Un is a great guy as the gulags expand in his country under his leadership.

当需要将罗德曼这样的大混球视为终结国际僵局的希望的时候,国会太悲剧了。It's a sad time for the State Dept. when a screwball like Rodman is their best hope to end an international impasse.

罗曼伦修投行那些想依靠让已倒闭的公司成为假设票商为公司公开发售股票的代表们,拒绝对此发表评论。Representatives of Rodman &Renshaw, which itself went public by assuming the ticker of a defunct company, declined to comment.

罗德曼与制造商联系后成为了他们的销售代表,并把推荐该机器作为她健康咨询工作的一部分。Rodman consulted the manufacturer to become a sales representative, working to offer the device as part of wellness consulting.

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罗德曼说,伊拉克出现的另一积极趋势是,伊拉克经济呈现活力,新企业不断涌现。Another positive indicator in Iraq is the level of economic activity, as well as evidence of newly forming business, Rodman said.

我们确实有一些自命的外交家---西恩潘,简方达,吉米卡特还有现在这位显赫的,金光闪闪的丹尼斯罗德曼。We do have our share of self-appointed diplomats--Sean Penn, Jane Fonda, Jimmy Carter, and now the illustrious, bling-dazzlin' Dennis Rodman.

罗德曼说,没有什么比告诉你的配偶他或她在某种情况下应该或不应该怎么想更居高临下、更贬低人了。There's nothing more belittling or condescending than telling your spouse what he should or shouldn't be feeling in any given situation, Rodman said.

罗德曼一到那儿,就只是支撑了朝鲜人认为美国人都是丑陋的愚蠢的这样的想法!这对美国来说是多大的悲剧啊!With Dennis Rodman over there, it serves only to support North Korea's belief that all American's are ugly and stupid! ! ! What a tragedy for America!

丹尼斯罗德曼对于总统奥巴马颇有微词,罗德曼表示奥巴马在对朝及对朝领导人金正恩外交上是失败的。Dennis Rodman has some fighting words for President Obama, who he says has failed in his foreign policy toward North Korean and its leader Kim Jong-Un.

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好吧至少罗德曼努力让跟朝鲜的外交关系更加友好了。NBA这样一来也会有更多的粉丝。不会伤害到谁。Well at least Dennis Rodman tried for a better diplomatic relationship with North Korea. The NBA can have more fans in that way . It won't hurt anything.

他使得雷恩阿泰斯特成为湖人夺冠拼图上高质量的一员,也能够让丹尼斯罗德曼适应皮蓬和乔丹牢固建立的双人组合。He made Ron Artest into a quality piece of the puzzle this past year and was able to fit Dennis Rodman into a tightly established duo of Pippen and Jordan.

这个办法奏效了一段时间,然后让他们感到惊讶的是,罗德曼在没有跟裁判抱怨的时候也对那玩意儿骂个不停。The tactic worked for a while, then to the staff's amazement Rodman took to continually snapping the rubber band even when he had no immediate beef with the refs.