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但是,日本方面也不会善罢甘休。But neither is Japan.

既不冷也不热。Neither cold nor hot.

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没有五点,也没有老幺。Neither five nor one.

不论好坏。Neither good nor bad.

他的博客也没有。Neither does his blog.

答案是没有一个。The answer is neither.

我既没把钱借出也没欠债。I neither lend nor owe.

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两者不可偏废。Neither can be neglected.

我既不喝酒,也不抽烟。I neither drink,nor smoke.

那是不冷也不热。It's neither cold nor hot.

我也是,送奶先生。Neither do I, Mr. Milkman.

我也一样,他是个老螃蟹。Neither do I. He's a crab.

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两个公园都不美。Neither park is beautiful.

他不吃不喝。He neither eats nor drinks.

既不冷也不热。It is neither hot nor cold.

我也是直到最近才知道。Neither did I until recently.

不太冷也不太热。Neither too cold nor too hot.

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这个,许多鼹鼠也不会。Well, neither can many moles.

多斯拉克人不侍买卖。Dothraki neither buy nor sell.

祖父小的时候生活很苦,他说他既没有钱也没有房子。I had neither money nor house.