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百年不遇的讨厌鬼!The pill of the century!

徐是早上-事后避孕药。SEO is the morning-after pill.

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此方名“皱肺丸”。The party name "Zhoufei pill."

你能不能帮我把这颗药丸弄碎?Can you break up this pill for me?

有没有晕机药?。Do you have pill for airsickness ?

乌鸡白凤丸也是具有相似的作用。The pill has the similar functions.

父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。Father must take his pill on the hour.

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这也许是一种不会诱发乳腺癌的避孕药。It might be a breast-cancer-free pill.

孕酮是极佳的安眠药。Progesterone is a great sleeping pill.

剃头,撞头,吃下那些药。Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill.

打开,里面是一颗赤红的药丸。Open, the inside is a red and red pill.

糖衣药丸一点也不苦。Sugar-coated pill in not bitter at all.

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服用这种药,彻底忘记它。Take this pill and forget all about it.

是暴风族“小鸟丸”的总长。Storm family is " birdie pill" the chief.

他把一些证券兑换成现金付账。He paid the pill by cashing in some bonds.

打开,里面是一颗赤红的药丸。Open, the inside is a ruddy and ruddy pill.

你这次能先付一下吗?Will you please pay for the pill this time?

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我爸爸把先要吃的药丸放在舌头上。My father puts the first pill on his tongue.

中了蚀心腐骨丸又如何?Won the eclipse heart Fu bone pill anew how?

将来或许会有一种抗衰老药片。The future may provide an anti-senility pill.