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我是个真正的警察。I'm a real cop.

他是个好警察。He's a good cop.

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把这个杯子交给警察。Give this cup to the cop.

它就象交通警察一样。It is like a traffic cop.

我们没有必要叫警察。We don't have to call a cop.

索皮期望她会叫警察。Soapy expected her to call the cop.

警察在市场里抓到了小偷。The cop caught thief in the market.

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没有什么像警察一样阻碍交通。Nothing slows down traffic like a cop.

一批流氓将一个警察狠揍了一顿。The gang of hoodlums dusted off a cop.

抢劫犯被警察制伏。The robber was overpowered by the cop.

鲍步做水管工,弗兰克做警察。Bob was a plumber, and Frank was a cop.

“没有警察来管你们,”招待说。"No cop for youse ⑵, " said the waiter.

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没有任何一个真警察会用那种大小的冲锋枪。No REAL cop would have an Uzi that size.

削减了预箿----我即是好警察又是坏警察。Budget cuts --- I'm good cop and bad cop.

所以究竟谁是流氓,谁是警察?So, who’s the gangster and who’s the cop?

他拿出工作证,说他是警察。He pulled out a badge and said he was a cop.

我曾经虐待我的肝脏,就好像它对警察开过枪一样。I used to punish my liver like it shot a cop.

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警察拿出警棍,说“好,我可以展示给你看。The cop pulled out his baton. “I can show you.

汤米.汤普森恳求警察发点儿慈悲。Tommy Thompson implored the cop to impart mercy.

“你知道这个家伙的名字吗”察问道。"Do you know this fellow's name? " asked the cop.