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店主在不在?Storekeeper at not at?

零售店店主陈列他的商品。The storekeeper exposed his wares.

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我经过训练后,成了一名仓库管理员。I took training to become a storekeeper.

这个商店的店主是个年轻的姑娘。The storekeeper of the shop is a young girl.

一群街头流氓不断骚扰店主。A gang of delinquents harried the storekeeper.

我是一个中国上海公司号码22个店主。I am a China Shanghai company No. 22 storekeeper.

她为买一块毛毯与店主讨价还价。She bargained with the storekeeper for a blanket.

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店主雇用一名男孩送杂货。The storekeeper hired a boy to deliver groceries.

它是一只虔诚的鹦鹉。”店主保证说。Its a religious parrot, the storekeeper assures him.

而店主尽可能切断一个女人想要的。And the storekeeper cut off as much as a woman wanted.

店主雇用一名男孩送杂货。HIRE】The storekeeper hired a boy to deliver groceries.

他的店在大火中化为灰烬后,店主破产了。After his store burned, the storekeeper became a bankrupt.

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你养不了这么小的猫崽儿,店主对我说。You can't raise kittens that young, the storekeeper told me.

保管员要坚持日清月结,做到勤清点、勤整理、勤保养。The storekeeper shall check, sort and maintain them frequently.

你如何做!我是一个中国上海公司号码22个店主。How do you do! I am a China Shanghai company No. 22 storekeeper.

店东签定了控诉书,指控他们在店里扒窃货色。The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.

店主决定减少剩下的冬令存货。The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock.

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今天傍晚六点钟,那位店主将已关店了。The storekeeper will have closed his store by 6 o'clock this evening.

完善仓库管理系统及并对下属仓管员进行定期评估和考核。To improve the warehouse management system and termly evaluate storekeeper.

有时,忙碌的店主会尝试估计要剪下的布料长度。Sometimes a busy storekeeper might try to guess how much material to cut off.