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来一小瓶中国果茶吧。A small Bottle of China nectar.

它们从花中吸取花蜜。They drink nectar from flowers.

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蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。Bees gather nectar from flowers.

它们从花中采集花蜜。They collect nectar from flowers.

有的花粉植物具有鹿类抗性。Some nectar plants are deer browse resistant.

蜜蜂以花朵的琼浆和花粉为生。Bees feed on nectar and pollen from flowers.

蜜源植物资源是人类的宝贵财富。The nectar plants are precious wealth to mankind.

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一只大黄蜂正在一株亚利桑那向日葵上吸取花蜜。A bumblebee draws nectar from an Arizona sunflower.

在什么季节蜜蜂从花中采集花蜜?。In what seasons do bees collect nectar from flowers?

花蜜的香味将他们从几英里外的栖息地吸引了过来。The scent of nectar drew them from a colony miles away.

丛生花粉植物对蝴蝶更有吸引力。Clumping nectar sources is more attractive to butterflies.

到2010年清明前爸爸全副武装去采蜜。Ching Ming 2010 fully armed to go before the father nectar.

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看着吸吮甘露的蜜蜂如何欢乐地疯狂起来!See how the bees are mad with joy, sipping the nectar there!

蜜粉源资源是人类的宝贵财富。The nectar and pollen plants are precious wealth to mankind.

在早春温暖气候下,它们就可以采集花蜜了。Good weather in early spring allowed them to forage for nectar.

黑色的花蜜无法用来探知也无法作为法术材料。Black nectar cannot be used for scrying or as a power component.

龙舌兰花蜜和龙舌兰酒都是来源于同一种植物。Agave nectar comes from the same plant that tequila is made from.

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这节自然课的作业是观察蜜蜂采蜜。The homework for this class is to observe how bees collect nectar.

它可以支持的花蜜需要两个强有力的东方蜜蜂的殖民地。It can support the nectar needs of two strong Apis cerana colonies.

这种兰花的花蜜发酵过,确实含有酒精。The nectar of the helleborine is fermented-it does contain alcohol!