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这是两年一次的会议。This is a biennial meeting.

你知道二年生的植物吗?Do you know the biennial plants?

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这是与一年生和二年生对比而言的。This is compared with the annual and biennial purposes.

二年生枝灰色,并可见纫纹纵裂。Grey biennial sticks, and that Arendt profiling fracture.

“新人特展”成为成都双年展的一大特色和亮点。It has become a special highlight of the Chengdu Biennial.

全国青年歌手电视大赛是两年一次的比赛。The National Youth singer TV Competition is a biennial one.

许多活动纳入到了我们的两年财政规划中,在未来几个月中我们的管理机构将审议这些规划。A lot of the activities are included in our biennial financial

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甘蔗根茬破坏情况影响到宿根质量。The damage of stubble influences the quality of its biennial root.

该颁奖典礼是个两年一度的盛会,有许多达官显贵会参加。The award ceremony is a biennial event attended by many dignitaries.

所有一年生及二年生植物都是结果一次而后死去。A perennial plant such as the english daisy cultivated as a biennial.

北美一年生或两年生植物,叶子上有柔软的长毛。North American annual or biennial with long soft hairs on the leaves.

今天下午二年级和四年级的学生正在考二年一次的考试。The sophomores and seniors are taking the biennial exam this afternoon.

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肯塔基有在它的每两年立法会议的六十天限制。Kentucky has a sixty-day limitation on its biennial legislative session.

粮农组织的两年度预算是由其全体成员国组成的大会表决通过的。FAO’s biennial budget is voted by the Conference of all its Member Nations.

随后会引起树势衰弱,明显两年结一次果。It may subsequently become a weak grower and a distinctly biennial cropper.

因其蓝色紫色或白色的花而被广泛种植的欧洲两年生草本植物。European biennial widely cultivated for its blue or violet or white flowers.

我听说在这次数学小测验中,洛洛考了95分,你二年生考了多少?。I heard that in the math test, Lolo got 95 points, how much you biennial exam?

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迪拜全球茶叶论坛为两年一次的活动,包括一个展览区。The Global Dubai Tea Forum is a biennial event which includes an exhibition space.

年内,局方颁发了第四届香港中文文学双年奖。The fourth Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature was presented in the year.

直立的一年生或两年生植物,广泛栽培,尤其用于干草和土壤改良。Erect annual or biennial plant grown extensively especially for hay and soil improvement.