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他本人也是一名法官,主要在德文夏工作。He was a judge himself, working mostly in Devonshire.

那就是他在学校关闭之后搬到德文郡的原因所在。That is why he moved to Devonshire when the school closed.

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那确实是他在学校关闭之后搬到德文郡的缘故所在。That is why he moved to Devonshire when the school closed.

的确曾有一架德国轰炸机自动地在德文郡降落。Certainly one German bomber landed voluntarily in Devonshire.

因此我们安排在接下来的星期六出发前往德文郡。So we arranged to travel to Devonshire on the following Saturday.

晚上以前便会知道白瑞摩在不在德文郡了。We shall know before evening whether Barrymore is in Devonshire or not.

斯台普顿告诉我说,他和他妹妹在德文郡住了两年光景。Stapleton told me that he and his sister had lived in Devonshire for only two years.

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你当然应该知道啦,因为你不久前还呆在德文郡。Is it true, pray? for of course you must know, as you have beenin Devonshire so lately.

住在查斯沃斯的德温郡伯爵免费为村民提供食物和药品。The Earl of Devonshire , who lived at Chatsworth House, freely donated food and medical supplies.

就您垂询德文郡会议大厦会议中心一事,现附上有关设施的详细资料。In response to your enquiry regarding Devonshire Manor, I enclose full details concerning the facility.

因此,基于这一点,她没有反对母亲准备搬到德文郡的打算。On THAT head, therefore, it was not for her to oppose her mother's intention of removing into Devonshire.

百慕大德沃恩舍尔行政区,并且通常是位于我的房子的顶部。The camera is located at Cavendish Heights, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda , and is usually situated on top of my house.

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我和亨利爵士对主意都感到兴。安排在接下来的星期六动身前往德文郡。Sir Henry and I were both very happy with this idea. So we arranged to travel to Devonshire on the following Saturday.

在我去德文郡之前我已知道那儿有只活生生的猎犬,还知道我们将要寻觅一位男人和一位姑娘。By the time I went to Devonshire I knew that there was a real hound, and I knew we were looking for a man and a wom an.

他还同意告诉斯台普顿兄妹我和福尔摩斯已去伦敦,却没说不久之后便可回来的消息。He also agreed to tell the Stapletons that Holmes and I had gone to London, but that we would return to Devonshire soon.

他还同意告诉斯台普顿兄妹我和福尔摩斯已去伦敦,却没说我们不久之后便可回来的消息。He also agreed to tell the Stapletons that Holmes and I had gone to London, but that we would return to Devonshire soon.

他乘火车将它带到德文郡,又牵着狗穿过沼地走了很长的路,如斯一来在巴斯克维尔庄园周围就没被人们看见。He took it by train to Devonshire and walked many miles over the moors with it so that it would not be seen near Baskerville Hall.

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是在温布尔顿的前一周举行。这将是20岁的安娜第一次在英格兰南海岸的Devonshire公园出现,她也将是大赛一号种子。It will be the 20-year-old's first appearance at Devonshire Park, on the south coast of England, and she is set to be the top seed.

这个新居民刚刚搬到邻近约克摄政公园的德文郡大街1号一间通风良好,配有大花园的房子。He is a new resident who has just moved into a fine airy house with a large garden, close to Regent's Park at York Gate – No 1 Devonshire Terrace.

德文郡的公爵夫人就总是习惯在酒馆的一间密室里偷听音乐社的活动,她不喜欢那些低级下流的歌曲和情歌。The Duchess of Devonshire made a habit of eavesdropping on the proceedings from a secret room in the tavern, and she was no lover of bawdy songs and ballads.