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不要吃。它可能是毒菇。Don't eat it. It could be toadstool.

伞菌在俚语中通常被称为“有毒的蘑菇”。Toadstool is slang for "poisonous mushroom".

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毒蝇伞菌或者毒臭虫伞菌因何而得名?Why is the fly or bug agaric toadstool so named?

那个人因为误食毒菌而被送进了医院。The man was sent to the hospital for having eaten toadstool by mistake.

那人因为吃了有毒的东西而被送到医院。The man was sent to the hospital for having eaten toadstool by mistake.

加上一点红色也不错,这是去年缝制的毒菇别针。A little bit of red would be nice too – this is a toadstool brooch I made last year.

动物性食品是引起中毒的主要食品,毒蕈和农药是中毒死亡的重要原因。The main food causing poisoning was animal origin and the cause of death was toadstool and pesticides.

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只有甘心毁灭的民族和完全腐朽的阶级,才能容许这种毒菌自由泛滥。Only willing to destroy the nation and completely decayed class, can open wide the floodgates to allow such a toadstool.

假若下起雨来,她会与我共撑一把伞,于是我第一次看到伞菌的底部!If it started to rain, she would share her umbrella with me, and I would get to see the underside of a toadstool for the very first time!

此外,某些毒蕈对很多昆虫、菌类有抑制或致死作用。Some toxins exhibit distinctly antimicrobial activity, and some toxins of toadstool showed inhibition and killing activity to some pests and microorganisms.

但传统的毒菌记载使很多食用菌研究者望而却步,通过对银白离褶伞的毒性研究,发现银白离褶伞无急慢性中毒反应,可以被驯化栽培。But traditional toadstool records mde few researcher focused, the author studied on its toxicity, and finds that it was no acute and chronic poisoning reaction, which can be domestic cultivated.