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该系统的另一个优势是它的完全无污染性。The secondary benefit is that it's completely nonpolluting.

蜂产品原料品质优良,无污染。All the material of the honey products is nonpolluting and has fine quality.

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你也许会想,每一个想要可靠且无污染的能源供给的人都将欢迎它。Everyone who wants a reliable and nonpolluting energy supply, you would think, would welcome that.

氢气是一种理想的能源,具有转化率高、可再生和无污染等优点。Hydrogen is an ideal energy due to its high conversion efficiency, recyclability and nonpolluting nature.

所以,本项目具有很好的应用和产业化前景。This project has adult technical, nonpolluting and good potential, so it has good economic benefit and bright future.

全世界都在致力于低能耗、无污染、可再生新能源工程技术的研究与应用。As a result, the investigation and application of low-cost, nonpolluting and renewable energy engineering technique are widely concerned.

钓鱼台铁观音系生长于福建安溪高海拔无污染地区的纯天然绿色饮品。Diaoyutai Tieh-Kuan-Yin serves as a green drink, which is made of natural ingredient planted in nonpolluting area of high altitude Anxi, Fujian.

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他想要探索宇宙的演化过程、造出无污染的能源形式,并且研发轻薄短小却又坚韧的奈米材料。He wonders about exploring the processes of the universe, generating nonpolluting forms of power and developing lightweight but strong nanoscale materials.

作为奖励,从煤气中除去二氧化碳可以得到纯氢气,它可以作为新一代无污染汽车的燃料,也可以用来发电。And as a bonus, taking carbon dioxide out of the syngas can leave pure hydrogen, which could fuel a new generation of nonpolluting cars as well as generate electric power.

该批无污染车辆由欧盟赞助,通过绿色燃料发动,利用低成本科技,装载12个精密传感器,实现了在各种不同类型的交通、天气和路况下的安全行驶。The nonpolluting vehicles, powered by green energy, are equipped with low-cost technologies and 12 sensors to drive safely in different types of traffic, weather and road conditions.

在现实中,有关成本和体积的问题限制了使用燃料电池的魁力,但是工程师们正努力地适应和缩短生产非污染性汽车和卡车的技术。On the ground problems with cost and size have limited the appeal of fuel cells but engineers are now hard at work adapting and shrinldng the technology to create nonpolluting cars and trucks.