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男人的鼻子部位有海绵体,所以当他们想要掩饰一些事情时,鼻子就会痒。Man have erectile tissue near nose. Itches when they're hiding something.

男人的鼻子部位有海绵体,所以当他们想要掩饰一些事情时,鼻子就会痒。Men have erectile tissue near nose. Itches when they’re hiding something.

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排列在盆腔内一些肌肉层将阴蒂和这些海绵组织链接。Several layers of muscles line the pelvic floor, connecting the clitoris to these erectile tissues.

而且这类治疗*的药物仅限于男人使用,不经允许女人是无法购买的。Erectile dysfunction medication is designed for use by men only and women are not allowed to buy it.

很多的研究显示那些造成男人阳萎不举最主要的原因是性器官缺乏血液的流量。Studies have shown that one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction is lack of blood to the penile area.

这是那些因房事不如意而苦恼的男士们的福音,一款号称“伟哥安全套”的“秘密武器”有望使他们突破瓶颈。Men who struggle with erectile problems when they use contraception may have a breakthrough with new 'Viagra condoms'.

他们由上颌骨内侧突出的致密板层骨构成,上方覆盖能肿胀变硬的粘膜组织。They are composed of dense lamellar bone originating from the medial maxillae and are covered with erectile mucosal tissue.

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你说的恐惧的确与这种问题联系很大,这相当于一种不断强化的消极暗示。The fear of failure you mentioned is commonly associated with erectile issues, and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

葵花鹦鹉,凤头鹦鹉一种大鹦鹉,尤指澳大利亚和相邻区域的。Any of various large parrots, especially of the genus Kakatoe of Australia and adjacent areas, characterized by a long, erectile crest.

葵花鹦鹉,凤头鹦鹉一种大鹦鹉,尤指澳大利亚和相邻区域的葵花鹦鹉属,特征为有可竖直的长冠。Any of various large parrots, especially of the genus Kakatoe of Australia and adjacent areas, characterized by a long, erectile crest.

你咨询过性药医师,做得很对,这有助于发现雄起问题的身体方面的原因。Certainly it would be worth consulting a sexual medicine specialist to find out if there is a physical reason for your erectile difficulties.

研究人员发现经常运动的男性比不运动的男性患性功能障碍和阳痿的可能性低。Researchers revealed that men who exercise regularly are less likely to have erectile dysfunction and impotence than are men who don't exercise.

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虽然,男性性功能低下可能是潜在疾病的预兆,但是四十岁以下的男人性功能不佳更多地可能和他的焦虑有关。Although erectile dysfunction can be a sign of underlying illness, in a man under 40 it is much more likely to be related to performance anxiety.

健康的血液流动是“坚挺”的关键,因此防治糖尿病与中风的食物同样能够防治阳痿。Healthy blood flow is the key to a strong erection, so it's natural that what prevents diabetes and stroke will also prevent erectile dysfunction.

任一种蝎目的蜘蛛类节肢动物,生活在温暖,干燥地区,身体呈节状,有一个直立带毒刺的尾巴。Any of various arachnids of the order Scorpionida, of warm, dry regions, having a segmented body and an erectile tail tipped with a venomous sting.

虽然该种方法目前尚处于试验阶段,但却彰显出伟哥除了单纯治疗阳痿之外,还可以有许多其他的功用。At the moment it is still an experimental treatment but it highlights that there are many other uses for Viagra other than purely as an erectile dysfunction medication.

据报告,他们曾服用假冒药物,据称可治疗阳痿,但却含有大量用于治疗糖尿病的格列本脲。They had reportedly taken counterfeit copies of drugs purporting to treat erectile dysfunction but which contained a hefty dose of glyburide, used for treating diabetes.