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敏捷为管理提供了这种谨慎。Agile offers management that discretion.

演说的辨别力不止是雄辩。Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.

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该讲座的关键词是谨慎。The code word for the seminar is discretion.

你一定要慎重地择友。You must choose you friends with discretion.

卢鹤永看到后很知趣的回避了。After Lu Heyong see very discretion in avoidance.

这事不能任凭他一人决定。This shouldn't be left entirely to his discretion.

我们极为信任他的机智和谨慎。We reposed great trust in his tact and discretion.

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而且他们还会尊重我对于斟酌处理权的要求。And they will honor my request for discretion as well.

根据联邦证据规则,法官有更大的自由裁量权。The judge has more discretion under the Federal Rules.

桑克斯用“灵活”这个词来排除别人的恐惧。Shanks used the word "discretion" to allay those fears.

但是,地方领导和校长有自由裁量权。But superintendents and principals have wide discretion.

怀疑派则指出应该谨慎推行公开化。Sceptics point out that due process requires discretion.

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我们准备好了就回家,我们可以便宜行事。We can go home when we are ready, at our own discretion.

他能随意讲述意味深长的警句和毫无意义的空谈。He could talk good sense and airy nonsense at discretion.

几十年过去了,他才了解谨小甚微的背后是自我欺骗。Decades later, he sees the fraudulence in that discretion.

殊不知出语谨慎的意义何在。It's just a shame she never learned what discretion means.

然而,因为我的自作主张,人们认为我是自以为是。But I am deemed to be arrogant because I used my discretion.

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上海沙宣美发学院持最终解释权。Vidal Sassoon Academy Shanghai retains the final discretion.

通过判断,我们应该应用完整性规则。We should apply completeness considerations with discretion.

并且研究了关于规则行事与相机抉择的研究现状。And studies on the rules versus discretion of the status quo.