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他被关进一个狭窄的地下室里。He was chambered in a narrow basement.

女孩在树下约会,这是有空间间隔的。The girl met under the tree. It was chambered.

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原来在机场核心计划作出。32,这个版本是墓室中的9毫米利森蒂轮。Originally made in . 32acp, this version is chambered in the 9mm Glisenti round.

旋壳乌贼属的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔间的壳成扁平的状。A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered shell in a.

这样做的好处是补充了腔医生刀片系统,使油墨也可以在几乎没有时间的变化。This benefit is supplemented by the chambered doctor blade system, so that inks can also be changed in next to no time.

旋乌贼属的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔间的卷成扁平的状。A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered coiled in a flat.

在接下来的四分钟内,黑鹰机舱内部充满了枪膛里子弹上膛的机械声响。During the next four minutes the interior of the Black Hawks rustled alive with the metallic cough of rounds being chambered.

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旋乌贼的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔间的卷成扁平的螺旋状。A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered coiled in a flat spiral.

那篇文章还谈到放在房子里的洋葱和大蒜在多年前的黑逝世病中救了许多人的命。Anothers things I read in the craftedicle was that onions and garlic placed around the chambered retentiond meny from the blacking plaguing years antecedent.

这批墓葬构筑形制讲究,时代特徵明显,对于研究鄂东北地区六朝及唐代砖室墓的演变规律,提供了新的实物资料。The excavation provides new materials for study on the development of the brick- chambered tombs of the Six dynasties and the Tang dynasty in northern Hubei.

有关四腮目头足类的,以两对腮为特征,并包括有腔鹦鹉螺和许多化石的种类。Of, relating to, or being a cephalopod of the order Tetrabranchiata, characterized by two pairs of gills and including the chambered nautilus and many fossil species.

采用分室气流换向、布袋自行抖落粉尘的方式清除布袋内积尘。The utility model adopts the method that chambered airflow is switched and dust is shaken off by the cloth bag automatically for cleaning accumulated dust in the cloth bag.

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已经灭绝了6500万年之久的菊石是一种带有多室螺旋状外壳的海洋头足类动物,其小室之间的阻隔即缝合线就是一种复杂的分形曲线。Extinct for 65 million years, ammonites were marine cephalopods that built chambered spiral shells. The walls between these chambers, called sutures, were complex fractal curves.

当然,这种统一也应有一定的分寸,如所有房间的地面或墙饰或天花中的1—2项统一即可以了。Of course, this kind unites due also and certain sense of property, ground of the chambered that be like place or wall are acted the role of or in smallpox 1, 2 are united namely OK.

特等射手步枪配备有瞄准镜以强化精准度,它使用更大威力的弹药,但是需要手动上弹,在长距离射击杀伤力将快速递减。The Designated Marksman rifle has a scope attached to allow for great accuracy. It uses a more powerful round, but needs to be chambered manually. Its damage decreases rapidly over longer distances.