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这又是一个老式烤箱。This is an old toaster.

我要烤面包机做什么?What do I need a toaster for?

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吉姆用烤面包机烤土司。Jim made toast in the toaster.

不,你不能举杯相庆。No, you can't have the toaster.

我到这儿来修烤面包机。Iwim here to fix the the toaster.

购买多士炉是你一个人去的吗?Did you buy your toaster yourself?

热土司砰的一声从烤面包机中跳起。The hot toast popped up in the toaster.

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你对目前使用的多士炉满意吗?Do you satisfy with the present toaster?

那台烤土司机你愿意割爱吗?Are you willing to part with that toaster?

你买第一台多士炉是什么时候的?When and where did you buy your first toaster?

是什么原因使你买目前的那台多士炉的?What reason cause you to buy the present toaster?

详细说一下你是怎样使用多士炉的?Please tell how do you use the toaster in details?

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在桌面上放有面包和烤面包机的玩家获胜。The player with Bread and Toaster on the table wins.

下次准备买价值12.99美元的烤面包机时请先想一想吧。Think of this next time you buy a toaster for US12.99

她到底带了什么?包里有个烤面包机吗?What is she doing with, you know, a toaster in her bag?

干得好中国,但这玩意儿看起来像一个烧焦的烤面包机。Good on the Chinese but that looks like a burnt toaster.

真是个骗人货!我新买的烤箱不能用。What a ripoff! The new toaster oven I bought doesn't work.

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擦净水壶、吐司机以及其它厨房台面上的器具。Wipe kettle, toaster and other bench top kitchen top appliances.

一如从前的无数个早晨,我让面包机做了一个百吉圈。Like countless other mornings, I ordered a bagel from the toaster.

一台普通烤面包机有400多个零件和子零件。An ordinary toaster has more than 400 components and sub-components.