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巧立名目的各个培训中心刚刚开始创立。The glitzy training centres are only the beginning.

棕榈泉有高档的餐厅和奢华的夜生活。Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife.

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例句“金酸莓奖”于1980年创立,是模仿奥斯卡奖的一个讽刺奖项。Razzie Awards was created in 1980 to spoof the glitzy Academy Awards.

难道新加坡金曲奖就是今年华语流行乐最夺目的活动?。Isn't the SHA supposed to be the biggest and most glitzy Mandopop event of the year?

这里有奢华的购物广场、被米其林美食指南推荐的餐馆,还有盛大的演出。The city is home to glitzy malls, Michelin-starred restaurants and extravagant shows.

音乐圈看来显得有些浮华不实,妳能否提供些不同的看法?The music industry looks so glitzy on the outside, but do you have another story to tell?

我不过是伸出手指轻轻捻弄我那耀眼的耳环,便引起如此注意。All I did to attract such attention was spread my fingers and twiddle with my glitzy earings.

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与过去相比,未来华尔街的工作不会像从前光鲜耀眼,不过比芸芸众生还是要好一些。It may not be as glitzy as the past one but could be better for average working men and woman.

迄今为止除了逛逛乌节路的繁华购物商场这里很少有其他的乐趣。Hitherto there has been little fun to be had other than hitting Orchard Road's glitzy shopping malls.

这一名叫“乌托邦计划”的设计在炫目的摩纳哥快艇展上惊艳全场。The design, called "Project Utopia", was unveiled to stunned onlookers at the glitzy Monaco Yacht Show.

加州橘郡郊区占地广阔、阳光充足,不少金融骗局都在这里发生。The glitzy suburban sprawl of Orange County, Calif., is home to more than its share of financial scams.

有线电视推出一群肆无忌惮的女人,用眩目的市场营销让他们席卷了个大城市。The network is playing up its unscrupulous women with glitzy marketing campaigns that blanket major cities.

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而且当时的主题很大程度上都局限于圣经故事、寓言、神话、浮华的戏剧等等。Subject matter was largely confined to biblical episodes, allegory, mythology, and glitzy tableaus of powerful people.

这种制造业急剧下滑的趋势已经迫使本田公司退出了享誉全球的一级方程式汽车大赛。And that steep downward trend for the manufacturer has forced it to pull out of the glitzy world of Formula One racing.

在家的时候,罗伊斯是个直率的小伙子,他不受职业运动员那花花世界世界的影响仍然尽可能地做自己。At home, Reus is a down to earth chap who remains largely unaffected by the often glitzy world of a professional sportsman.

当这两个美国人正在给他们的百万富翁们不停的抛媚眼的时候,稍逊一筹的一个晚宴也即将在北京的一个饭店上演。While the Americans wooed their mega rich peers, a less glitzy dinner was due to take place in a Beijing restaurant last night.

试试黑色的裙子再配上闪闪发光的凉鞋,或穿上你男朋友长长的牛仔裤,卷起的裤脚加上那稀奇古怪的坡跟鞋,开创属于你自己的搭配。Try a little black dress with glitzy sandals, rolled up boyfriend jeans with funky wedges or create your own over-the-top ensemble.

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低--套上低级小饭店的围兜一点也不光彩耀人,况且她为了迎合东英格兰的背景还采用了伦敦口音。Low- there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.

从流光溢彩的上海到武汉等粗线条的工业重镇,数千万中国人正在将自己的大量储蓄转投股市。From glitzy Shanghai to gritty industrial centers like Wuhan, tens of millions of Chinese have poured substantial savings into stocks.

我不认为在看着这样一个金融史上的瑰丽奇迹分崩离析时会让其他海湾国家铭记教训。I don't think any of the gulf states would be very impressed if you were to see a high profile glitzy glamorous player fail in this way.