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1835年,约瑟夫史密斯创立了摩门教堂。In 1835, Joseph Smith founded the Mormon Church.

我们不能命令你读摩门经。We can not order you to read the Book of Mormon.

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在摩门经中有很多反基督者。In the Book of Mormon there are many Anti- Christs.

选情专家说,罗姆尼与洪博培都是摩门教徒。Election experts say, Romney and Huntsman are Mormon.

相信我,我就是个摩门教徒。早上起来第一件事情就是撸一发。Trust me, I am Mormon. Wanked first thing this morning.

此别名来自于摩门教堂中象征为辛勤劳动的标志物。The nickname is from the Mormon Church's symbol for hard work.

我们年轻的摩门男子在十二岁时就是次级传教士了。We young Mormon men enter the Aaronic priesthood when we're twelve.

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凯恩担心,如果战争暴发的话,那么他那些摩门教的朋友会发生什么事情。Kane feared what might happen to his Mormon friends if fighting started.

我认识的一个摩门教的人,过去通常是避开需要饮酒的社交场合。One Mormon I know used to avoid any social situation where people drank.

“摩门之书”现正在纽约尤金·奥尼尔剧院热映。The Book of Mormon is playing at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre in New York, NY.

上午参观摩门教堂,圣殿广场,犹他州政府,鹰门,议会大厦及市区观光。Morning, proceed to Salt Lake City for sightseeing including famous Mormon Church.

不过,与该地区非摩门教徒的冲突最终导致了杀戮,教徒的财产也被付之一炬。But strife with non-Mormons in the area led to killings and the burning of Mormon property.

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两兄妹被一个信仰摩门教的家庭收养,并在华盛顿州的乡下长大。Carnie and his sister were adopted by a Mormon family and grew up in rural Washington state.

现在,投录音“摩门经”已经重新进入Billboard的前200册页图。Now, the "Book of Mormon" cast recording has re-entered Billboard's top two hundred albums chart.

斯蒂芬妮迈耶,青壮年流行的“暮光之城”吸血鬼系列“的作者,也是摩门教徒。Stephenie Meyer, author of the popular "Twilight" vampire series for young adults, is also Mormon.

百翰.杨继续领导摩门教会,而执政官领导地区政府。Brigham Young continued to lead the Mormon church. But the governor ruled the territorial government.

在某些方面,摩门教的信仰与正统基督教会类似,但也有着显著的差别。Mormon beliefs are in some ways similar to those of orthodox Christian churches but also diverge markedly.

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有人认为他的摩门教徒身份会制约竞选,他有7个孩子,其中2个是收养的,有点多。Some say his Mormon faith may count against him in any election. He has seven children, two of them adopted.

有些摩门教徒离开了摩门教会,并发行一张报纸,批评史密斯和其他一些摩门教会的领导人。Some of the Mormons who left the church published a newspaper criticizing Smith and the other Mormon leaders.

博物馆的工作人员注意到这只刚刚羽化的美凤蝶的两边翅膀颜色有明显差异。The staff noticed a striking difference between the wing colorings of the freshly hatched great mormon butterfly.