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我必须再说一遍,我衷心佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神。I must say again that I heartily admire your gallantry and youthfulness.

这个夏天,六个毕业的年青人相约往沙滩露营,纪念青春的流逝。Six graduates go to summer camp on the beach to elapse their youthfulness.

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文本中,这一理想肉身的两个最重要侧面便是年轻性和实在性。Two important sides of the ideal body lie on the youthfulness and substantiality.

公司要成功就必须既雇用资深人士又雇用年轻人。You need a mixture of seniority and youthfulness if your organisation is to succeed.

这些量子革命者最引人瞩目的情况之一就是他们风华正茂。One of the most striking things about the quantum revolutionaries was their youthfulness.

好奇心是年轻心态的表现,永远不要自满,那你就会一直年轻。Curiosity is the youthfulness of the mind, never get complacent and you will be young forever.

这种女式睡衣,带给人华丽、性感和年轻的感觉。This style of pajamas for women gives people a feeling of gorgeousness, sexiness and youthfulness.

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美国如今相对比较年轻的主要应当归功于移民,其中包括合法移民和非法移民。The main reason for its comparative youthfulness so far hasbeen immigration, both legal and illegal.

选择大胆的红色家具,它为房间提供了视线的集中点和青春气息。Enter bold red furniture, which provides a strong focal point and a spirit of youthfulness to the room.

真正的青春,贞洁的妙龄的青春,周身充满新的血液,体态轻盈而不可侵犯,这个时期只有几个月。True youth pure youthfulness with fresh blood ijnviolable youth with graceful carriage lastsfor a few months.

每天使用Obagi-C维他命C产品可以使你的皮肤恢复光泽和青春。Used daily, Obagi-C vitamin C products can help restore the luster and youthfulness that time has taken away.

他的能力和年轻使得切赫成为我们杰出历史上的最伟大的门将。His ability allied with his youthfulness should enable Cech to become the biggest goalkeeping name in our illustrious history.

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宝冢之所以受到日本妇女如此青睐,是宝冢少女的表演唤醒了人们内心深处青春年少时的激情。Its popularity among women reveals the passion hidden inside those who are reminded of their youthfulness by the performance of Takarazuka ladies.

无论是你的职业、英语学习、爱好或是坚信不移的事业,对你所做的事情投入活力和激情是走向青春的通行证。Whether it's your job, learning English, your hobby or a cause you believe in, a vitality and passion for what you do is a passport to youthfulness.

选择对的色彩搭配,可以营造一种高雅、温馨和宁静的氛围,又或者打造出青春活泼的景象。By selecting the right color scheme, you can create an ambiance of elegance, warmth or tranquility, or you can convey an image of playful youthfulness.

作品有表现主义的鲜明色彩与粗黑线条特色,加入简洁明亮,充满朝气的现代插画风格。He adds simplicity and brightness into the strong colors and thick black lines of Expressionism to achieve a modern illustration style that is brimming with youthfulness.

这张面孔焕发着欢乐的青春的光辉,这种纯洁无瑕的青春的光辉使人想起一个年方十四岁的儿童爱玩爱闹的样子,而这毕竟还是一个庄严的皇帝的面孔。It beamed with such gaiety and youth, such innocent youthfulness , that suggested the playfulness of a boy of fourteen, and yet it was still the face of the majestic Emperor.

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校园小说是一种以校园生活为题材,洋溢着青春质素的现代小说样式。Campus novel, with campus life as its theme, is the modern style of novel permeated with youthful qualities. Youthfulness is the indispensable element for this kind of novels.

我希望许多同学都来这运动会场上尝尝少年的高兴,——把那斯文的老景暂时丢在讲堂上或宿舍里!I hope all my students will be present at the playing field to taste the joy of youthfulness and temporarily leave behind their"scholarly dignity" in the classroom or dormitory.

他的动作激情荡漾,他的节奏抑扬顿挫,他的青春活力与乐观精神堪称纯粹的美国风格,而这一切则为美国的舞蹈制定了标准。Taylor's emphasis on emotion within actual movement, the rhythmic vitality of his accents, his all-American youthfulness and optimism, all have set standards for American dance.