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我们努力追平了比分,但遗憾的是没有保持到最后。We managed to equalise and weren't capable of maintaining the result.

它说对于“将来工资平等分配"减少工资是必要的。It said pay cuts were needed to "further equalise distribution of income".

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我们的目标是在他们进球之前扳平,所以我们应该先下手为强。We aim to equalise before the other team score. We should get our retaliation in first.

如果我们分析一下比赛你会看到到最后一分钟我们都在企图追平。If we analyse the game you can see that we tried to equalise right up until the last moment.

这个过程能平衡薄膜两端的盐浓度,学名为渗透作用。This process, which tends to equalise the saltiness of the two solutions, is called osmosis.

尽管我们获得了不少机会,但我们没能好好把握,只是在最后关头幸运地扳平了比分。We had our chances though and it's just unfortunate we could only equalise in the final minute.

米兰此前凭借安布罗西尼在第71分钟的进球取得了领先,但却在一分钟后被对方的马金瓦扳平了比分。Massimo Ambrosini had earlier put the Rossoneri ahead on 71 minutes, only for Stephen Makinwa to equalise a minute later.

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在温布利进行的决赛里,利兹联曾两度领先,但切尔西显示了足够的韧劲,将比分扳平。Leeds twice took the lead on a pitch that shamed Wembley's reputation but each time Chelsea showed enough steel to equalise.

但斑马军团在随后的比赛中有所松懈,这也给了法甲球队扳平比分的机会,而马尔基西奥在比赛临近结束前的一脚射门打在了横梁上。However, some slack marking from a free-kick allowed the French to equalise and Marchisio shot against the bar in the closing minutes.

安德列。卡拉乔洛成为了米兰持续的威胁,他先后获得三次破门良机,可最终都将球打偏。Andrea Caracciolo was becoming a constant danger and the striker had three good chances to equalise but on each occasion fired wide of the target.

上一次造访锐步球场,利物浦在两度落后的情况下,先后由格伦·约翰逊和费尔南多·托雷斯扳平比分,并最终凭借斯蒂文·杰拉德全场第83分钟的绝杀以3-2胜出。Liverpool won 3-2 at the Reebok, twice coming from behind to equalise through Glen Johnson and Fernando Torres before Steven Gerrrard scored an 83rd minute winner.

以上谈话让我瞬间联想到比利奇暗指2007年在温布利,麦克拉伦的球队在2球落后时追平比分,但依然惨遭淘汰。The instant reaction is to assume that Bilic pines for Steve McClaren, the manager whose team came from 2-0 down to equalise but still lost to Croatia at Wembley in 2007.

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我们一直猜测谁将胜出,通常大家支持弱队,假如看见某支球队领先,我们便希望另外某支球队可以扳平,因为我们想看他们的第二场重赛。We were always in doubt who was going to win, supporting always the small team and if somebody was winning, we wanted somebody to equalise because we wanted the second game.

当它们锁定在一起——最后微微倾斜一下——之后还要花半个小时将压力平衡,最后才打开舱门让双方宇航员相见。Once they are locked together – a move that ends with a gentle lurch – it takes half an hour or so to equalise the pressure and finally open hatches that separate the two crews.

中国的资本管制防止了套利者在内地以较低价格购买两地上市公司的股票,然后在香港以较高价格卖出——这个过程本来可以消除价格差异。China's capital controls prevent arbitrageurs from buying shares of a dual-listed company cheaply in Hong Kong and selling them for more on the mainland – a process that would equalise prices.