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“青矾和明矾的药性”。"Green vitriol and aluminous property of a medicine ".

接踵而来的针对茅先生的刻薄批判即使在我预料之中,仍使我不胜讶异。The ensuing vitriol against Mr. Mao was, to me, both expected and surprising.

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炼金术士借助炼金术将硫酸固化成型。The alchemist conjures a manifestation of the alchemical principal of vitriol.

威尔德斯先生的对穆斯林强烈反感现在与他对欧元的强烈反感互补起来了。The anti-Muslim vitriol of Mr Wilders is now supplemented by anti-euro invective.

研究了复杂铝土矿浮选尾矿在酸介质中铁的溶解行为。The dissolving behavior of iron in bauxite tails in vitriol solution was studied.

苯丙氨酸不易硝化,需加少量浓硫酸后才能够发生黄色反应。Phenylalanine is not easy to nitrify, so it is necessary to add in a little vitriol oil.

有效的广告和尖刻的批评可以强化我们对某人或某个党派被被归为“外人”的认识。Effective ads and vitriol can lead us to strengthen a person or party's status in the out-group.

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中国官方媒体纷纷对华盛顿提出尖锐批评,指责美国管理金融不力。Official Chinese media have poured vitriol at Washington, accusing it of financial mismanagement.

青矾用于缩短制作时间,而腐烂的肉类则会让豆腐变得更臭。The iron vitriol was used to shorten producing time and the rotten meat was for the tofu's smell.

尽管埃利森以好斗和直言不讳而着称,但分析师表示,其所公开发表的尖刻言论,并非只是在恫吓对手.Although Ellison is famously combative and outspoken, analysts say the public vitriol is not mere bluster.

本研究对副产绿矾的综合利用有重要意义。The paper think that is of active significance for the comprehensive utilization of by product green vitriol.

实验结果还显示,氯化铬比硫酸锰对卵母细胞的损伤作用更大。The result also shows that the hurt of chromium chloride was heavier than that of manganese vitriol to oocyte.

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经常施用矾肥水,能使含笑叶片浓绿光亮,植株生气盎然。Often employ vitriol fat water, can make have a smile on one's face blade is thick green light, plant is exuberant.

熟宣。是配染胶矾的生宣,具有着水后不渗化的特点。Treated Xuan paper refers to the Xuan Paper after special treatment with vitriol and gum, it has the character of no seeping.

国民党死忠分子拼命要把这个故事炒成真的恶毒,连年轻一点的泛蓝支持者都看不过去。THE VITRIOL with which the story is being kept alive by the most passionate KMT old-guard appalls even younger Blue supporters.

曾经有一名著名的炼金术士证明了硫酸盐泉的“奇迹般的”特性和物质转变毫无关系。It was a renowned alchemist who proved that the "miraculous" properties of vitriol springs had nothing to do with true transmutation.

曾经有一名著名的炼金术士证明了硫酸盐泉的“奇迹般的”特性和物质转变毫无关系。It was a renowned alchemist who proved that the “miraculous” properties of vitriol springs had nothing to do with true transmutation.

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研究了微波辐射下苯甲酸甲酯的合成新方法。考察了微波辐射温度、微波辐射时间、酸醇摩尔比、催化剂用量对反应的影响。Microwave irradiation was used in the synthesis of methyl benzoate from benzoic acid and methanol using oit of vitriol as a catalyst.

昨晚FAC的声明对艾伦表示支持,同时谴责“近来对她尖酸刻薄的批评”。In its statement last night the FAC, expressed support for Allen and condemned "the vitriol that has been directed at her in recent days".

由于硫酸烧渣中的铁属于强磁性矿物,采用湿式鼓筒式弱磁选机分选是较为适宜的。Fe in the vitriol calcigenous is a high magnetism mineral, so it is feasible to separate Fe by adopting wet drum type weak magnet separator.