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权责发生制核算法的一些事实Facts About Accrual Accounting Method

权责发生制或应计基础法Accrual accounting method or accrual basis

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通常我们选择权责发生制当我们工作时。Generally we choose the accrual basis when we work.

按权责发生制为基础确认收入的实现。The revenue is recognized under the accrual system.

请参考Howto部分来的如何将权责发生制改为现金实付制。See the HOWTO section to change from Accrual to Cash.

机票不可累积飞行哩数。Ticket is NOT eligible for KrisFlyer mileage accrual.

使用权责发生制,存货记录会变得简单。Inventory record becomes simpler with the accrual method.

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六月八日后利息增加到加币12万。The accrual after June 8 increases to add money 120 thousand.

每日变化不得大于账户每日应计利息。Each day Change Cannot be bigger than your account daily accrual.

什么样的企业应该采用权责发生制核算法,通常存在争议。There is always a debate on who should use the accrual method of accounting.

在某些条件下按权责发生制记录自愿捐款。Voluntary contributions recorded on the accrual basis under certain conditions.

对于消费者而言,举报或者诉讼的收益是否高于不作为?To consumer, inform against or litigant accrual whether prep above nonfeasance ?

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机票一经签发,不可转让或退票、不可更改行程或航班。Tickets are non- endorsable , non-reroutable, non-refundable and no miles accrual.

使用权责发生制核算法,收入应于发生当期予以报告,不管款项是否已经收到。In the accrual method of accounting, income is reported in the period it is earned.

在2008财务年中,由于利润呈负数,因此“员工福利”未作任何预提。In FY2008, there is no any accrual for Staff Welfare, because the profit is negative.

第二节,描述城关区社区治理中的各多元主体的权责。The second quarter is the description of each community governance multi-agent accrual.

如果应计百分比字段不为空白,则必须取消选中转回应计额复选框。If the Accrual Percent field is not clear, you must clear the Reverse Accruals check box.

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企业应当以权责发生制为基础进行会计确认、计量和报告。Recognition, measurement and reporting for accounting purposes shall be on an accrual basis.

权责发生制核算法也称应计核算法或应计基础核算法。The accrual method of accounting is also known as accrual accounting or accrual basis accounting.

应计比率利息的应计率。用于养老金时指福利应计比率。Accrual rate The rate at which interest is accrued. In pensions, the rate at which benefits accrue.