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狂怒现在成为巧妙的技能。Fury now became skill.

他一怒之下便不告而别了。He bundled off in a fury.

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我强忍住胸中的怒火。I tried to subdue my fury.

尝尝战歌氏族的怒火吧!Taste the fury of the Warsong!

狂怒的风暴减弱了。The fury of the storm subsided.

台风的势头已经减弱了。The typhoon had spent its fury.

一团怒火涌上我的心头。Flames of fury sprang to my heart.

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他一怒之下把那人杀了。He killed the man in a blind fury.

啊竖琴与祭坛,为雷霆融合O harp and altar, of the fury fused

安娜的沉默让他更加愤怒的说道。Ilona's silence aggravated his fury.

盛怒之下大摇大摆走出了房间。He pranced out of the room in a fury.

这次,村里的人可真气坏了。This time, people are filled with fury.

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伊斯兰堡对袭击的反应是暴怒。Islamabad reacted with fury to the attack.

霍丽脸上的暴怒消失了,取而代之的是恐惧。The fury on Holly's face turned to horror.

一条弓起身子狂怒的蛇在盯视着我们。A fury snake overarching was looking at us.

把一个青少年明星惹毛了可并不好玩。Hell hath no fury like a teen star scorned.

她对他的出言不逊怒火中烧。She burned with fury at his unkind remarks.

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老婆子伸直了腰,怒容满面。The old woman straightened herself up in a fury.

确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的闪电暴怒。Fixed Lightning Fury to do initial weapon damage.

我冲进店里正准备大发雷霆。I stomped into the store, ready to unleash my fury.