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我要将它保存下来作为纪念。I'll keep it for a souvenir.

这个相机是纪念品。This camera is for souvenir.

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这儿卖纪念邮折吗?Do you sell souvenir folders?

村里有许多纪念品商店。Many souvenir shops in Heiligenblut.

回柳州之前,到西街买点纪念品。Before we leave, let's buy some souvenir.

赠送纪念品予主宾。Presenting souvenir to the Guest of Honor.

我买了一双鹿皮软鞋作为纪念。I bought a pair of moccasins as a souvenir.

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它是一个伟大成就的纪念品或奖品。A souvenir or reward of a great achievement.

箱子时装着一引作为纪念品的珊瑚石。The box contained some souvenir coral rocks.

请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念。Please accept this little gift as a souvenir.

给你个纪念品,这可是我从北京带来的哦。Here's a souvenir for you. I bought from Beijing.

给你个纪念品,这可是我从北京带来的哦。Here’s a souvenir for you. I bought from Beijing.

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英商家热炒威廉大婚,推出纪念避孕套。Souvenir condoms rolled out for UK royal wedding.

我们在此也买了不少手信。Still we bought some key chains here as souvenir.

纪念品上的图片都是经过授权的。The photo on the souvenir is an authorized image.

各参加者均获赠大会纪念帽乙份。Every participant will be given a cap as souvenir.

你可以在出口附近的纪念品店买到。AYou can buy them at a souvenir shop near the exit.

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对了,我们带给你一份纪念品,这是麒麟模型,它会带来好运。Say, we brought you a souvenir. It’s a Kirin model.

不过,我们建议乘客下次最好选点别的纪念品。We would suggest an alternative souvenir next time.

珍贵的纪念品,使人百看不厌。A precious souvenir is worth seeing a hundred times.