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三只小鱼鹰羽毛渐丰,快要学飞离巢了!The three young ospreys will be fledged very soon!

这样的民主制度应该以全面建立的法律体系为基础。And such a democracy should be based on a full- fledged legal system.

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如果想要投资这一类房子,就要全面对它进行了解。If this type of investment to house the full- fledged understanding of it.

我在这些想法上做了研究,选了一些做了实验,对其中一个很有兴趣。I researched on these ideas, experimented with a few and went full fledged on one.

市场经济是社会化大生产条件下充分发育的商品经济。Market economy is full fledged commodity economy under socialized mass production.

没有了上映时的炒作,这场演出现在可以作为一部真正意义上的经典之作亮相了。Divested of the hype surrounding its launch, the show can now emerge as a full- fledged classic.

目前跟美国建立能够包含中国的成熟的防御协定还不太可能。A fully fledged defence agreement with America to contain China does not seem on the cards for now.

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城市坏境和它们老祖宗的生长环境截然不同。The urban environment is very different from the one in which their ancestors were born and fledged.

不久,屋子里再也没有多余的空间了,因为太多的旧物譬如像倾倒的小鸡之类的玩具,到处都是。No longer. There is hardly room for anyone in the nest for the stuff that the fledged chicks have dumped there.

当然这个只能称原位癌,虽然属于真正的肿瘤,但仍没有浸润性生长。Of course, there can be carcinoma in situ in which a full- fledged neoplasm is present, but has not yet invaded.

前左立一人,手执长竿,竿尖上用鸡羽为葆。At front left, one man held up a long pole fledged at the tip with chicken feathers to catch any sign of the wind.

它实现为一个可伸缩的成熟产品,具有在线编辑和完整的生命周期管理支持吗?Is it implemented as a full fledged scalable product with online editing and complete life cycle management support?

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“你的白色谎言在这个故事中有很多纰漏,”奥斯汀说,“不完善的谎言,但这只是暂时的。"Your white lies are more gaps in the story, " says Austin. "Not fully fledged lies, but it's only a temporary position.

硬件方面我们采用成熟可靠的RS422总线技术,选用高可靠性的通信芯片,以及给通信线路加上屏蔽层等措施来提高可靠性。We can improve the reliability by adopting fledged RS422 Bus technology, selecting highly reliable IC, and shielding the communication channel.

陶德以为它俩会永远是朋友,但是一年冬天库珀出去参加打猎回来后,它成了一架合格的杀狐机器。Tod thinks the two will be friends forever, but over the winter Copper leaves on a hunting trip, and when he returns he's a full fledged fox-killing machine.

最终,中国希望到这个十年结束时,其在空间轨道上的技术进步将促进一个完全成熟的国际空间站的发展。Ultimately, China hopes the technological progress it is making in orbit will lead to the development of a fully fledged space station at the end of the decade.

芬芳柔和的暖意已注满房间,它饱含着种种花卉、刚抽枝叶的树木和润温的新翻红土的香味。A balmy, soft warmth poured into the room, heavy with velvety smells, redolent of many blossoms, of newly fledged trees and of the moist, freshly turned red earth.

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上海合作组织要把握影响地区安全的核心问题与关键因素,建立更加完善的安全合作体系。The Organization needs to grab hold of the core issues and key factors affecting regional security and put in place a full- fledged system for security cooperation.

据许多人士预测,此次对于离岸人民币市场的试水,是中国政府意图使人民币成为一种成熟性的储备货币而做出的一次尝试,以便在将来抗衡美元和欧元。This offshore experiment is, for many forecasters, a first tentative step towards making the yuan a fully fledged reserve currency to rival the dollar and the euro.

所设计的系统中对于网络安全和网络信息安全还给予了充分的考虑,并采用了目前较为成熟的安全技术和设备,使EIM网络信息安全得到了可靠的保障。By means of special design, the EIM system chooses fledged security technology and equipments for the present to ensure the safety of network and network information.