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对于纪录片还有什么要说的吗?What else about the documentary?

亚洲新闻台关于龙鱼的节目。A documentary by Channel News Asia.

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考评局或会要求提供证明文件作核对用。The HKEAA may ask for documentary proof.

你看过那部关于斯里兰卡的纪录片吗?Did you see that documentary on SriLanka?

我记得我看过一部关于这事的记录片。I remember I watched a documentary on this.

我就像在看一部科学纪录片。And I can be watching a science documentary.

没人会说,"这就是纪录片Now, nobody says, "Oh, that's a documentary.

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我们先看了一部用英文译制的记录片。First we saw a documentary dubbed in English.

不如你给哈普拍个纪录片吧,怎么样?Why don't you try a documentary on Harp, here?

一个纪实的故事钩起往事,所有的往事!A documentary story hook, all the past memories!

我们已经谈过了资料来源假设论。We have talked about the Documentary Hypothesis.

首先为纪录片“正名”。Firstly it discussed the definition of documentary.

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手提摄像机拍摄的画面让人感觉象是纪录片。Hand-held cameras create a quasi- documentary feel.

我看过一部关于张桃芳的记录片。I have seen a documentary film about Zhang Taofang.

为什么不录制一个私人的忏悔纪录片呢?Why not make an intimate, confessional documentary?

据悉,这部纪录片时长90分钟。It is reported that this 90-minute long documentary.

好的,我现在在制作一部纪录片。Yeah, I'm producing a feature documentary right now.

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如果你不相信我,去看看这部纪录片。And if you don’t believe me, go see this documentary.

戈尔也籍此荣获了奥斯卡最佳记录片奖。Gore accepted the Academy Award for Best Documentary.

能开一张不可撤消的跟单信用证吗?Can you please open an irrevocable documentary credit?