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她在东拉西扯些什么呢?What is she rambling on about?

他东拉西扯的把真相支吾过去了。He stalled off the truth with rambling.

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你荡了一整夜,一定饿了!You must be hungry, rambling about all night!

他们整个上午都在林中小径上漫步。They spent the morning rambling woodland paths.

这儿有一座古老的教堂,样子古雅,显得零乱,是带山墙的建筑。Here was an old church, quaint and rambling and gabled.

她有一栋巨大的乡间别墅,布局凌乱,名叫“山墙庄园”She had a huge, rambling country house called'The Gables.

她在乡下有一幢巨大错杂的房子,叫作“山墙庄园”。She had a huge rambling country house called 'The Gables'.

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四个孩子在杂乱无章的屋子里咭咭呱呱笑着打转。Four children milled and clattered about the rambling house.

她在乡下有幢巨大杂乱的房子。叫做“山墙庄园”。She had a huge, rambling country house called 'The Gables '.

依我絮叨离题的程度来看,我知道我的确老了。By my rambling digressions I perceive myself to be grown old.

他曾在联合国大会等场合的演讲上胡说八道、离题万里。He gives rambling incoherent speeches at places like the United Nations.

切记限定自己在30秒内完成表述,不要东拉西扯。Remember to limit yourself to about 30 seconds without rambling on and on.

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相反,埃里森发表了一篇在许多人看来有点漫无边际的主旨演讲。Instead, Ellison delivered a OpenWorld keynote that many found to be rambling.

迎著清凉的夜风,我的思绪也像这月光一样,上天入地、漫无边际了。Faced to the cool wind of night, my feeling, just like the moonlight, was rambling.

他们说话往往语无伦次,前言不搭后语,或仅有很少一点关联。Their statements are often rambling and unrelated, or connected in only a limited way.

别让他们绞尽脑汁才能明白你的答案或者理解你散漫的回答。Don't make them struggle to get answers out of youor make sense of your rambling replies.

头眼昏花的我在路上漫无目的地瞎逛。途中,一个十分漂亮的姑娘俘虏了我了目光。In the midst of my lightheaded rambling I caught sight of a stunningly beautiful young girl.

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MV混杂于一堆短片中,在Youtube上找到了落脚处,这些短片上传者或是东摇西逛的年轻人,或是口是心非的政客。They found a home on YouTube, among clips of rambling teenagers and off-message politicians.

不得要领或是散漫的会议占据了很大一部分的工作时间浪费。Pointless or rambling meetings account for a disproportionate share of workplace time leakage.

可是,他已经弹得累了,就漫无目的地绕过树篱,慢慢向她身后走来。But, tired of playing, he had desultorily come round the fence, and was rambling up behind her.