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只是有点针刺。Just a little pinprick.

青藏高原上牧民的帐篷是白色的,在以棕绿为基色的草原上宛如星星点点的针孔。The nomads' tent is a pinprick of white against a canvas of green and brown.

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勿在丝绸服装上扣别针,否则易留下针眼。Don't button up brooch on the silk clothing, otherwise leave pinprick easily.

本文介绍一种新发明的针刺材料与方法。A kind of new inventive pinprick material with means was introduced in this paper.

勿在丝绸服装上扣别针,否则易留下针眼。Never enchase a brooch on the silk garment, otherwise it will leave pinprick easily.

这个想法并非为了惩罚中国,它根本不会感觉到我们的抗议带来的这点微乎其微的影响。The idea wasn't to punish China, which would never feel the pinprick of our protest.

江南七怪的围攻,飞天蝙蝠的毒针刺中了我的双眼。Chiang-Nan seven strangely lay siege to, fly the poison pinprick of a day bat in my double eye.

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但是为什么研究者们要克服这么多困难却仅仅是为了糖尿病患者能够免于扎手指这样的小烦恼呢?But why are researchers going to all this trouble just so people with diabetes can avoid a pinprick?

疼痛的来源是“针刺“感觉,来源于用一个激光刺激他们的一只手而产生的热。The pain source was a "pinprick" sensation caused by the heat from a laser aimed at one of their hands.

这种被称为mChip的塑料设备包含10个单独的检测区域,只需要在上面滴上一滴血。Called the mChip, the plastic device contains up to 10 individual detection zones, requiring only a pinprick of blood to be placed on them.

介绍了一种高速均匀针迹预针刺机的系统组成及其设计要点。Introducing a kind of super-speed even needle vestige prepares the system of the pinprick machine constitutes and its design important point.

即使有29个门诊计划中心和32个营养补充计划也只是杯水车薪。Even with 29 outpatient therapeutic programme centres and 32 supplementary feeding programmes, she admits it's only a pinprick in the sea of need.

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枕大神经出口处压痛,有放射痛,颈部皮肤对针刺敏感或迟钝,牵引颈部疼痛暂时性减轻。Tenderness of exit of pillow big nerve, have radiative painful, sensitive to pinprick or cervical skin is slow, cervical and aching provisionality reduces drawing.

方法对我院12个病区护理人员进行为期8个月的针刺与锐器伤的调查分析。Methods Pinprick and sharp instrument injury incidents during a period of 8 months were investigated in nurses and other care providers of 12 wards in the hospital.

理疗按摩系统则主要是通过桑拿房壁上的针刺按摩孔出水,用水的压力对人体进行按摩。Physiotherapy massage system basically is through sauna room mural pinprick massages aperture to give water, the pressure that uses water undertakes massage to human body.

从病人身上抽血,将血液涂在处理过的玻璃载片上,在显微镜上观察,这便是基于显微镜观察的疟疾检测过程。Microscopy-based detection of malaria is possible by taking a pinprick from a patient, smearing their blood onto a treated glass slide, and examining it under a microscope.

理疗按摩系统则主要是通过淋浴房壁上的针刺按摩孔出水,用水的压力对人体进行按摩。Physiotherapy massage system basically is through shower room mural pinprick massages aperture to give water, the pressure that uses water undertakes massage to human body.

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这个星期,中国的博客世界——常常高度的民族主义倾向,对国外政府,报刊或者公司提出的任何问题高度敏感——支持谷歌的抗议。This week the Chinese blogosphere, usually intensely nationalistic and sensitive to any pinprick from a foreign government, journal or company, rallied to Google’s defence.